Tanja Szewczenko has six kilos more – and that’s okay with her

Tanja Szewczenko
“It’s okay to have a few extra pounds”

Tanya Szewczeno

© instagram.com/tanjaszewczeno

Tanja Szewczenko is the mother of three children. She’s been waiting for this for a long time. The fact that her body isn’t as slim and tight as before her twins were born is absolutely okay with her. On Instagram she is now sharing a motivational speech for all (new) moms who still have a little more weight.

Her twins Luis and Leo will be two years old in a few weeks, and for Tanja Szewczenko, 45, they are absolutely lucky. The fact that her body looks different today than before pregnancy is absolutely no problem for the former “Everything that counts” actress. On the contrary. She knows that exactly this body has given her the greatest happiness on earth. And that’s how it should look. Influencer Charlotte Weise has just campaigned once again to accept women’s bodies as they are, now Tanja Szewczenko is following suit.

Tanja Szewczenko: A thin body is not everything

As a former professional athlete, Tanja Szewczenko has a special relationship with her body. She was fit and well trained for a long time. It’s a little different now that I’m pregnant. And that’s okay with her. Because something else has priority in her life now: her kids, her husband and her job. She says that she sometimes feels like doing sports, other days she doesn’t. And that’s okay too.

Tanja shows her figure as it really is

Tanja shows her figure as it really is

© instagram.com/tanjaszewczeno

Exactly this relaxation regarding her own body Tanja also wishes her followers. “Actually, I just want to leave the little message here: Everything in its time. Don’t compare yourself. It’s okay to have a few pounds too much.”

She reveals that she currently has around six kilos more than before. She doesn’t make a secret of it. why? She has no problem with that!

“My stomach won’t go away”

The 45-year-old emphasizes once again that not everything is taut for her either. Many would write to her that she had become so thin again. In her story she now clears that up. “I also have a belly, I don’t think it will go away either,” she admits openly. Here the right pose and the angle are responsible. “Looks slimmer in camera than it is.” She shows exactly how she positions herself to look slimmer. And shows in the same breath that there is another way…

We would like to see so much honesty more often.


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