Tanja Szewczenko: Norman was “rock solid” in difficult times

Tanya Szewczenko
Her partner helped her through “difficult times”

Tanya Szewczenko

© instagram.com/tanjaszewczenko

The actress and former figure skater Tanja Szewczenko finds loving words for her loved one on Valentine’s Day – and thanks him for his support in bad times. She reveals that the couple’s desire to have children together presented a major challenge.

Tanja Szewczenko, 46, and her partner Norman Jeschke, 44, are now parents of three children and have been living in their new house in Dubai since December 2023. On Valentine’s Day, the former figure skater dedicated loving words to her Norman and in this context also indicated how difficult it was to fulfill their shared desire to have children.

Tanja Szewczenko: Partner Norman went through a difficult period with her when she wanted to have children

“With your confidence, you have helped me through many a valley and walked with me hand in hand through the difficult times when we wanted to have children,” the 46-year-old said to her husband. According to Tanja Szewczenko, her lover would have preferred to relieve her of the physical and psychological pain himself. For the ex-figure skater, her lover is “a rock in the surf, a fantastic dad, a sometimes scattered professor who, when in doubt, destroys everything and tomorrow no longer knows what happened yesterday.”

For the first time, the family, which includes Tanja and Norman as well as daughter Jona, 12, and twins Leo and Luis, 2, celebrated February 14th in their new home in Dubai.

That’s why pregnancy seemed impossible

The couple had five years of unfulfilled desire to have children with several miscarriages after artificial insemination, until it finally worked again two years ago. The couple had previously been diagnosed that natural fertilization was not an option. Antibodies were found in the 44-year-old’s sperm that initially prevented pregnancy. Back then, the mother of three also shared in detail the path to the positive test with her followers on Instagram.

Norman Jeschke underwent antibody therapy, but Szewczenko still tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant for 60 months and several cycles until she “no longer really believed in the miracle of getting pregnant naturally,” the proud mother wrote in her post at the time . When her period suddenly stopped – it was a Sunday – she immediately got a rapid test from the emergency pharmacy. The surprise was doubled by the twin pregnancy.

Finally! Family happiness in their new home in Dubai

Last year, the family of five faced another major challenge. The emigration plans to Dubai, which were put into action in July 2023, initially meant that Szewczenko and her loved ones had to live out of suitcases in the emirate. The family’s new home was not completed on schedule.

Tanja Szewczenko with her family

© instagram.com/tanjaszewczenko

This only followed in December last year, shortly before Christmas Moving into the new home, which made her personal “Dubai fairytale” come true for the former ice princess.

Sources used: instagram.com, t-online.de


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