Tarantino retired: why he stopped the cinema after The Movie Critic?

Quentin Tarantino should end his film career soon with a last film: The Movie Critic. The director mentioned the reasons for his decision in the columns of Liberation.

Quentin Tarantino, cult director of Pulp Fiction, The Hateful 8 or Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, should soon put away his camera to retire. Last March, the filmmaker finally announced the title of his ultimate project: The Movie Critic.

When he came to the Grand Rex on March 29 for a masterclass, the director spoke about what will be his 10th and last feature film, denying certain rumors in passing:

“It’s crazy all these articles that come out and make assumptions about what the movie will be like from scratch. What’s true is that it’s going to be called The Movie Critic. That it’s going to be set at the end of the 70s, in 1977 to be precise”he said.

“But the movie won’t be about a female film critic, and it won’t be a biopic about Pauline Kael. Not at all. I’m not saying a movie about her wouldn’t be good, and maybe even better than mine. But it won’t be about her”he confided.

Tarantino, an insatiable cinephile, recently gave an interview to Release. In it, he talks about the reasons that led him to make the radical decision to hang up the gloves.

“The bottom line is that I gave 30 years of my life to the cinema. I loved every moment, but I gave it my all. I worked at the top of my game and I want to leave behind me a major corpus. I want to retire undefeated”explained the director of Reservoir Dogs.

I have worked at the top of my game and want to leave behind a major body of work. I want to retire undefeated.

“The funniest thing behind it is this little music: ‘Hollywood can reject you, but you can’t reject Hollywood.’ They can stop giving you a job, it happens all the time, but never try to leave on your own terms. But that’s what I do. I leave on my terms.”he added.

Once his last film work is completed, the native of Knoxville wants to focus on writing novels. “The other appeal of this decision to focus on the books is that once I’m done working, it’s done. Whereas with a screenplay, you work, work, and work And when it’s over, that’s really where it all begins!”he justifies.

The director specifies that he still loves filming, that he still enjoys it. However, “Writing has this massive advantage: when it’s all on the page, it’s over”, Tarantino continued.

I said that I would no longer make cinema films. But will there still be cinema films in seven to eight years? The question remains open.

“I don’t regret anything today. But ask me again in a few years… And if it were, I would have several ways to go about it. What am I giving up? I I said that I would no longer make cinema films. But will there still be cinema films in seven or eight years? The question remains open.”concluded the 60-year-old filmmaker.

The Movie Critic should start filming this fall for a possible release in 2025. In the meantime, for the most impatient fans, Tarantino recently published a book about his cinephilia: Cinema Speculation, available in all good creameries.

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