Tarot 2021: which card of the Tarot de Marseille according to your astrological sign: Femme Actuelle The MAG

Astrology, numerology, cafédomancy … There are many methods to predict the future. Cartomancy is one of them. To know the energy that will dominate this new year, our specialist in divinatory arts, Marc Angel questioned the cards of one of the oldest and most powerful games: the Tarot de Marseille. It therefore reveals the message that the Arcana sends to each astrological sign.

Aries: your 2021 forecasts thanks to the Tarot de Marseille

Your card: Temperance. Fluid and beneficial, it "separates the pure from the impure". Tap into his conciliatory energy to move smoothly from one situation to another. Want more predictions for this new year? Discover without further delay the month-by-month horoscope for Aries in 2021

Taurus: your 2021 forecasts thanks to the Tarot de Marseille

Your card: the Empress. She is a free woman. Its "cheeky" energy helps you claim (and gain) more autonomy to act the way you want. Love, health, work? To find out what your year will look like, our astrologer shares the month-by-month horoscope for Taurus in 2021

Gemini: your 2021 forecasts thanks to the Tarot de Marseille

Your card: the Star. Beautiful and graceful, the Star facilitates communication. His energy applied to your discussions, the dialogue will become more constructive on the professional side, very harmonious on the heart side. Want more predictions for this new year? Discover without further delay the horoscope for Gemini in 2021 month by month

Cancer: your 2021 forecasts thanks to the tarot of Marseille

Your card: the High Priestess. The energy of the High Priestess diffuses slowly. She puts projects into gestation, while they mature and you have mastered them before launching them. Love, health, work? To find out what your year will look like, our astrologer shares the month-by-month Cancer horoscope in 2021

Leo: your 2021 forecasts thanks to the Tarot de Marseille

Your card: the World. The energy of the World is universal. It teaches you to adopt a language understood everywhere and to adopt an attitude accepted by all. It also creates links with foreign countries. Want more predictions for this new year? Discover without further delay the month-by-month horoscope for Leo in 2021.

Virgo: your 2021 forecasts thanks to the tarot of Marseille

Your card: the Force. The energy of the Force does not weaken. Once assimilated, you will tame any new situation, and overcome your fears with vigor. Love, health, work? To find out what your year will look like, our astrologer shares the month-by-month horoscope for Virgo in 2021.

Libra: your 2021 forecasts thanks to the Tarot de Marseille

Your card: the Bateleur. It opens up horizons. Its dynamic energy invites you to taste all the pleasures of life, through joyful and creative initiatives. Want more predictions for this new year? Discover without further delay the month-by-month horoscope for Libra in 2021.

Scorpio: your 2021 forecasts thanks to the Tarot de Marseille

Your card: the Hermit. He walks slowly but surely. His energy is regular, a sign that time and events will eventually prove you are right. Love, health, work? To find out what your year will look like, our astrologer shares the month-by-month Scorpio horoscope for 2021.

Sagittarius: your 2021 forecasts thanks to the Tarot de Marseille

Your card: the Chariot. The energy of the Chariot is always in motion. Even at a standstill, your situation changes in silence and in secret. Hence the importance of maintaining confidence in all circumstances. Want more predictions for this new year? Discover without further delay the month-by-month horoscope for Sagittarius in 2021.

Capricorn: your 2021 forecasts thanks to the Tarot de Marseille

Your card: the Wheel of Fortune. She is tonic. His energy brings you luck. 2021 is an unexpected year to measure how well chance does things. Love, health, work? To find out what your year will look like, our astrologer shares the month-by-month Capricorn horoscope for 2021.

Aquarius: your 2021 forecasts thanks to the tarot of Marseille

Your card: the Pope. The energy of the Pope is wise, beneficial and benevolent. It brings peace if we show maturity in carrying out our projects. Want more predictions for this new year? Discover without further delay the horoscope of Aquarius month by month in 2021.

Pisces: your 2021 forecasts thanks to the Tarot de Marseille

Your card: the Sun. It redoubles the warm and generous energy in spring. The arrival of sunny days is the sign of happy transformations in your life. Love, health, work? To find out what your year will look like, our astrologer shares the month-by-month horoscope for Pisces in 2021.

Do you want to know more about what awaits you in 2021? No more waiting. You can now make an appointment on Current Woman Astro Consult for a consultation with one of the platform's fifty divinatory art specialists. In just a few clicks, you can choose an astrologer, fortune-teller, medium, dowser or numerologist and set a date and time for your clairvoyance session. Magical !

Read also :

⋙ 2021 horoscope, Marc Angel's forecasts sign by sign

⋙ Tarot: the best books to learn how to draw cards