“Tatort”: The summer break will not come as usual this year

The current series news in the GALA ticker: “Tatort”: Summer break starts later this year +++ “Storm of Love”: These are the future plans of Lena Conzendorf and Sophia Schiller +++ “Toni’s World”: Start of Season 2 .

The series news in the GALA ticker

May 27, 2022

“Tatort”: summer break this year with changed times

“Tatort” viewers are currently preparing for the annual summer break. However, this year it is later than usual – and even shorter than usual. If it started last year on June 6, 2021, it will start on Sunday, June 26 this year. The last new episode for the time being will be the “crime scene” from Mainz with the title “In his eyes”.

There is also a welcome change this year for fans of the crime series in terms of the length of the summer break: While it was twelve weeks in 2021 and 13 weeks the year before, it has been significantly reduced this year to an expected eight weeks. However, the reduction does not automatically mean more consequences. Instead, the shorter summer break is more due to the World Cup. This will be shown in German TV programs in November and December – including on Sundays when “Tatort” is broadcast.

“Storm of Love”: Lena Conzendorf and Sophia Schiller reveal their plans for the future

The “Storm of Love” actresses Lena Conzendorf, 30, and Sophia Schiller, 26, answered viewers’ questions in a live chat on Instagram. During a surprise visit from colleague Sandro Kirtzel, 31, the two are confronted with the question of their future plans. “I want to continue shooting immediately,” Lena shoots out. “I’m also interested in becoming a voice actress,” she adds. You have a great desire to dub films that are explicitly “not German television”.

“I would like to do an Arte documentary,” says Sophia about her future plans. Preferably a documentary in which you can make puns at the same time, according to the actress It’s great when you can comment on something with a slight wink.” All three colleagues would also like to play something opposite to the roles they are currently playing in “Sturm der Liebe” in the future.

May 25, 2022

“Toni’s World”: Popular series returns with the second season

“Toni’s World” can be seen on RTL+ with a new season from Wednesday, May 25th. Originally started as a spin-off of the series “Red Ribbon Club”, the story of Asperger’s autistic Toni (Ivo Kortlang, 28) and his girlfriend, Tourette’s Valerie (Amber Bongard, 24), is now completely on its own two feet . The actors announced a sequel to the series back in November 2021 – which made the fans of “Toni’s World” very happy, especially after the season 1 finale.

Season two will answer the big questions raised by the finale: will Toni and Valerie get back together? Will Valerie have her child? And how will dr. Alfred Schmieta (Armin Rohde, 67) deal with his Parkinson’s disease? While the episodes are already available on RTL+, the broadcast on free TV will take a little time: From Wednesday, June 8th, the episodes of the second season of “Tonis Welt” will always be shown at 8:15 p.m VOX.

May 24, 2022

“In all friendship”: Return of Lilly and Lisa in the current episode

“In all friendship” viewers can look forward to two comebacks of popular characters on Tuesday, May 24, 2022: Dr. Lilly Phan (Mai Duong Kieu, 35) and Lisa Schroth (Ella Zirzow, 20) can be seen in the current episode “I have to tell you something”. Kieu’s figure is currently in Leipzig, which is why Dr. Phan is only connected via video call while the Sachsenklinik staff is discussing a patient case.

Lisa, the daughter of Dr. Roland Heilmann (Thomas Rühmann, 67) plays a bigger role in the current episode. While she herself is nervous because she has a date with a fellow student, her father has completely different worries: he is due for an operation because of a tumor in his ear. However, he doesn’t tell his daughter about the tumor or the upcoming surgery – only after the operation does she find out what’s going on with her father and confront him. It is currently unknown when Lilly and Lisa will next be seen in the hospital series.

May 23, 2022

“Storm of Love” and “Red Roses” have to pause

“Sturm der Liebe” and “Rote Rosen”, the popular telenovelas from the ARD program, are taking a break of several weeks. As reported by DWDL.de, an ARD spokesman has confirmed that both series would be taking a “short” break this summer, which should start at the end of July. It has not yet been determined how long this break will last, but we are talking about three to four weeks. This is nothing new for the fans of both series – after all, a summer break was also taken in previous years – but ARD is not showing any old episodes during this time, but is testing new formats.

That alone does not have to worry viewers: both telenovelas have been extended until late summer/autumn 2023. However, it is unclear how and whether it will continue beyond that. “In view of our limited resources, we have to consider whether we can still afford a fictional offer in the afternoon,” said ARD program director Christine Strobl in an interview with DWDL.de at the end of 2021. The numbers, the online click numbers of the media library, are included , stable due to the large fan base, “however, we will probably not reach any new target groups with either series in the media library,” says Strobl. However, this must be achieved urgently.

The series news of the past few weeks

Did you miss the series news of the past few weeks? All information can be found here.

Sources used: dwdl.de, ardmediathek.de, instagram.com, vox.de, t-online.de


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