Taubira, broom wagon from the left


Thanks to the popular primary, the former Keeper of the Seals of François Hollande hopes to create a dynamic to bring together his camp, for the moment very scattered.

It happened. In Lyon, in freezing cold but under the sun, Christiane Taubira declared herself a “presidential candidate”. One more in the great scattering on the left, but the only one to accept the verdict of the popular primary, a citizens’ initiative in which 250,000 voters have already registered. They were only 120,000 a week earlier, perhaps a sign of enthusiasm for the new postulant. The vote, scheduled for January 27 to 30, is a “majority judgment” ballot, where voters evaluate the candidates – excellent, good, insufficient… – in order to agree on the most consensual.

A funny business that this primary. Launched in March 2021 by environmental activist Mathilde Imer, 31, and entrepreneur Samuel Grzybowski, 29, to bring the left together, it has so far not succeeded. After calling for participation, Hidalgo backpedaled when Jadot and Mélenchon refused to submit. And if these three are among the seven candidates selected (one can be against his will), difficult to plebiscite people who will not accept the verdict.

“If only one of the applicants on the left had taken off, Taubira would not have presented himself” Christian Paul

However, despite the fragility of the process, it is this primary which justifies the candidacy of the former minister of Holland: “If only one of the applicants on the left had taken off, she would not have presented herself, assures Christian Paul, ex- slinger PS. The investiture can allow him to create a dynamic to take the lead of a rally.

For now, Taubira is quite alone. Her relatives point out that some are joining her (like Renaud Payre, vice-president of the Métropole de Lyon, or perhaps soon Arnaud Montebourg) and that others are calling for the verdict of this primary to be respected – such as Benoît Payan, the PS mayor from Marseille. “All over France, support committees have formed spontaneously and his Facebook page totaled 100,000 subscribers in December, assures Guillaume Lacroix, the boss of the Radical Left Party. It embodies something beyond parties. Her entourage claims that she will obtain the 500 signatures, but concedes that the question of financing is far from settled.

The one who caught up with Hidalgo and approaches Jadot in the polls is embarking on a tour of the country. It promises proposals in addition to those declined in Lyon: endowment for students of 800 euros per month, taxation of large fortunes, minimum wage at 1,400 euros net, recruitment of 100,000 caregivers… If many point to similarities with the programs of its competitors, the Taubira team relies on its ability to electrify the crowds: “It is the antidote to the demoralization of the French”, assures Christian Paul. With the hope that, at the beginning of February, “there will be fewer candidates and we will see if the candidate prints and is able to inspire votes,” he said. Still, installing a balance of power three months from the first round is a risky bet.

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