Taurus baby, what are his character traits?


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Even babies are influenced by their zodiac sign. Discover the character of Taurus babies.

Astrology helps to determine the future character or the existing one, of adults, but also of babies, that is to say toddlers between 0 and 2 years old. Indeed, a baby born Gemini will not have the same character as a baby born Sagittarius. If the ascendant takes up the most space as they age, the character of babies is very close to that of their sun sign. Taurus is known for its strong character.

He likes his routine and his little habits. So, if you have a Taurus baby, it is better to stick to a precise program so as not to rush it. A fixed time to eat, to put him to bed, to wake him up… His schedule must be calculated. Your Taurus baby will always be in a good mood, except when you go against his wishes: he is very, but then very stubborn (it’s his hard-headed side). Thus, he can be tempted by a few whims if he feels misunderstood or wants to do something other than what you are offering.

To read also: Astro: with which sign is Taurus the most compatible?

The best qualities of the Taurus baby

If the Taurus baby is stubborn, he is also very jovial and funny. He is always ready to have fun and to discover games, as long as he plays them again afterwards (too much novelty tends to scare him). Taurus is also quite accommodating: if you give him a meal at 6 p.m., then he will always take it because it is part of his habits. He is also very cerebral and curious. In addition, the Taurus baby is very cuddly. Adult, you should know that Taurus is the most sensual sign of the zodiac, he is tactile and likes to show his affection.

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