Taxes, CAF… Beware of fraudulent calls aimed at stealing your France Connect identifiers

Be careful, your France Connect identifiers are courted by scammers. These very valuable data allow you to connect to many services such as the Caf, Ameli, or even the taxes. Reports of attempted fraud by email or telephone have multiplied in recent weeks.

Even on vacation, you have to be extra vigilant. For several days, health insurance policyholders have been receiving suspicious calls from 0985 4040 44, reports Capital.

At the other end of the line, a man pretending to be an official of the Ministry of Health or the ANSM (the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products). He claims to be making Covid compensation but in reality wants to recover your France Connect identifiers.

Information that inspires confidence

The scam is all the more difficult to detect when the scammer already has a lot of information about his victim: surname, first name, address and part of his Social Security number linked to the person’s date and place of birth.

Thus given confidence, some victims will then provide him with personal data such as their provisional Ameli access code and the end of their Vitale card number.

The scammer then has access to hundreds of services on the France Connect platform, which in particular allows them to connect to taxes and the CAF. Victims would have seen their personal training account (CPF) hacked with dubious valid training.

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Change your passwords immediately

Some scammers would also proceed by email to recover your identifiers, pretending to be the France Connect site, indicates The particular. If you are the victim of such a hacking attempt, the first thing to do is to change your passwords immediately and check your account login history via this link.

You can also file a report by email to the following address: [email protected]. A freephone number is also available: Info Escroqueries on 0811 0202 17.

Online banking: will opening an account via FranceConnect become widespread?

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