Taxes on pocket money: Responsible parenting method?

TikTok community split
Mom collects “taxes” on daughter’s pocket money

The German Ministry for Family Affairs recommends a weekly allowance of between €1.50 and €2.


To teach her daughter how to manage money properly, an American mother deducts “taxes” from her pocket money every week. TV broadcaster RTL asked parents what they think of this upbringing method.

The daughter of Felicia Rae Farley is to be prepared for life as a responsible adult with a rather special upbringing method: For completing various household chores, she gets seven US dollars a week as wages from her mother. However, the costs for food, drink, electricity, internet and rent are deducted from the “salary”.

Pocket money with “taxes”: This is how it works in everyday life

The mother explained her method to her followers on the TikTok video platform. The reactions and comments on it are divided. You can find out how the RTL education expert assesses the tax model and what the TikTokerin does with the “tax money” in the RTL video.

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