Teacher threatened after posting photo of Soprano

” L’hell is much bigger on Earth. Since men have done worse than Lucifer,” intoned Soprano in his hit title “The Devil Doesn’t Wear Prada Anymore.” And it was hell that a teacher from Trappes, in the Yvelines, went through when she chose to slip a photograph of the rapper into a document showing the history of human evolution.

At the beginning of December 2020, this professor of SVT (life and Earth sciences) at the college replaced, in a chronological frieze, the sketch of homo sapiens with a portrait of the Marseille artist, reports The Parisian, Sunday, January 16. The beginning of a real ordeal for the 34-year-old young woman, who is used to using personalities like Kylian Mbappé or Josiane Balasko to make her lessons fun. Soprano’s face was on the same line as the drawing representing an Australopithecus, a biped descended from the ape. One of the ninth graders saw in it an allusive comparison between the primate and the musician.

The girl’s father, Kamel, had decided to alert social networks. “My daughter, she said to me: ‘Dad, it’s not normal in SVT class.’ […] Shitty national education. Spin it, please. We must not accept! he wrote on Facebook. The threats then multiplied against the instructor, who denied any assimilation and warned the police. The latter attested to the risks incurred and advised him to exfiltrate outside of Île-de-France.

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The convicted student’s parent

“Immediately, I said to myself: “My life is over. I was afraid of dying”, she says with emotion to the Parisian. Judged on November 15, the student’s parent was sentenced to six months in prison. The prosecutor denounced a “digital fatwa”, recalling the tragedy of the assassination of Samuel Paty. “I love my job, I would have liked to accompany my students to the patent. […] If the National Education does not protect its teachers, I will have to censor myself, ”concludes the aggregate with sadness.

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