Sylvain Allemand // Credits: Europe 1
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11:53 a.m., March 31, 2024
The principal of a Parisian establishment resigned “for safety” after an altercation with a student who refused to remove her veil in the school. Guest of the Grande Rendez-vous Europe 1/CNews/Les Échos, this Sunday, Aurore Bergé, Minister of Equality between Women and Men, agreed that “when a teacher is threatened it is unbearable and it is is a defeat for all.
Is the situation of teachers tenable in France? For several days, French teachers have been victims of an increase in violent acts by their students. The news is punctuated by events such as the resignation “for safety” of the principal of the Maurice-Ravel establishment in Paris this Wednesday after an altercation with a student who refused to remove her veil in the high school, as required by law of 2004. Last Wednesday, a teacher at a high school in Villeneuve-la-Garenne in the Paris region filed a complaint after being threatened with death by a student at her high school following a disagreement.
Guest of La Grande interview Europe 1/CNews/Les Échos, this Sunday, Aurore Bergé, Minister of Equality between Women and Men, agreed that “when a professor is threatened it is unbearable and it is a defeat for all. Furthermore, the former LREM leader in the Assembly distinguishes several categories of people who have put “a target on the back” of the principal. “It is the student who probably lied, then there are those who threatened him and then it is an LFI deputy who saw fit to relay a thesis which we now know is false” , she indicated.
“It’s not a personal convenience when you are threatened”
The principal’s withdrawal was described as “personal convenience” by the rectorate. A semantic choice that the delegate minister does not share. “It is not a personal convenience when we are threatened and we are afraid for our lives, while in our country a school has already been attacked in Toulouse and two teachers have been murdered,” she said. underlines. Concerning the government’s position on this event, Aurore Bergé wanted to recall the actions put in place to support the principal.
“Those who were very clear were the Minister of Education and the Prime Minister who said in the name of the government that we were going to file a complaint against the student who had lied, which is a first and which sends a message signal,” she insisted. “The State will always be on the side of our teachers,” she concluded.
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