Telecommuting: 4 proven techniques to improve your concentration

The Covid-19 pandemic has led many employees to go into “hermit mode” following months of employer-mandated telecommuting.

Working from home may seem easy, but the reality is different when dealing with the ordinary distractions of home life! The challenge is in particular the collapse of the boundaries between the professional and the private sector. And when you have all day to complete a task from home, it’s human to get distracted by the internet or your smartphone.

But strategies exist to improve your concentration. Eliminating distractions, playing sports, or learning to manage your time can help you stay productive. Here are some strategies to improve your productivity while working from home.

Tip #1: Arrange a workstation that suits you

Visuals that energize you

The general look of your workplace can have a huge impact on your ability to concentrate. You need to make the space not only tidy but also visually appealing and energizing.

Make sure your workstation is in a room with good natural light. Try placing one of the following items on or around the post:

  • Plant ;
  • photos or works of art;
  • inspirational quotes;
  • personal memories.

By moving the visual elements of your work environment every two months, you can also freshen up the space.

Place visual distractions out of your line of sight

By eliminating visual distractions, you will have an easier time concentrating. Clutter can be a distraction, so keep the space clean. Try to keep your cell phone out of reach, as well as TV screens, gaming computers, and even bookcases, which could distract you visually.

If you have roommates, set clear boundaries with them about when you’ll need privacy and when you can’t socialize.

Ergonomic comfort

You need to make sure your workstation is ergonomic and comfortable, especially if you have to sit for long periods of time. Invest in a comfortable desk chair and keep it at a comfortable height and screen tilt. To find out more, read “How to choose the right office chair”.

Maintaining a healthy posture makes it easier to work for long periods of time and can also ensure that you don’t unintentionally harm your body. Poor sitting posture can increase the risk of developing problems like sciatica.

Music or sounds that promote concentration

Music and sounds also have an impact on your ability to concentrate. If possible, move your workstation away from distracting sounds, such as traffic.

Music or ambient sounds can help you focus, whichever you like. Sounds of nature, music without rhythm, Tibetan songs… it’s up to you to choose what will give you a stable and soothing backdrop.

Tip #2: Adopt the right mindset

Identify when you work best

Adapt your schedule to the time of day when you are most focused. Although many of us work best in the morning or in the middle of the day, everyone is different.

For example, if you are more alert and focused early in the morning, save the most difficult tasks for that time slot. Focus on less important tasks later.

Give your full attention to tasks

To do your best, you need to give your full attention to the tasks at hand. If you’re torn between working and taking a break, your work will suffer – half-focus can only make you take twice as long to complete tasks and can even cut the quality of your work in half.

Maintaining a clear boundary between breaks and actual work will keep you on track. It can also help you recognize when you need a break.

Adopt routines

In telecommuting, routines and schedules are your friends. Create a schedule that makes a clear distinction between your work time and your personal free time, allowing you to wash, take a walk, read, etc. Plan a buffer period between waking up and starting work.

Following a consistent daily schedule can help more clearly define the boundaries between free time and work time. However, you do not have to follow it to the letter every day.

Create a daily to-do list

Creating a to-do list can help boost your work productivity and overall well-being. To-do lists can take the form of:

  • whiteboards;
  • post it;
  • online calendars;
  • diaries.

Highlight them in a place you check frequently, like your fridge or living room, and at your workstation.

Productivity apps like Todoist are also great list-building tools.

Todoist is a mobile application, online service and management software that will help you organize yourself better by synchronizing all your tasks listed on all your devices and by sending you notifications.

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  • Licence : Free License
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    Office – Leisure
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Know what to do when your attention drops

Notice when your attention begins to wander. It’s easier to concentrate on your work if you know what distracts you. Then get your attention back. Here are some possible strategies:

  • breathe deeply and empty your mind for a few moments;
  • breaking down a large task into small parts;
  • use positive self-talk.

Tip #3: Block technological distractions

Block websites that suck your attention

The problem with the internet is that you have access to all kinds of distractions. If you regularly go to Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook, mute them during your work time, or consider deleting them from your phone.

You may also want to block addictive websites, whether sports, news, or stock market tracking.

Disable notifications for email, Slack, etc.

Notifications from your phone can also distract you from your work. That’s why it can be helpful to turn off notifications or mute certain apps, like your email, Slack, and any app that shows notifications.

Avoid checking your phone every time you feel like it

One of the best measures to eliminate technological distractions is to refuse to check your phone while you work. You can set a useful limit by deciding to only check your phone during breaks.

Tip #4: Prioritize breaks and healthy habits

Take breaks

Taking breaks is essential to doing a good job. You should never feel guilty for needing a break. The concentration of a human being probably does not last an hour. So giving your brain a rest allows it to process information better and recharge.

Here are some popular ideas for organizing your breaks:

Outlook plugin for Pomodoro method

  • Downloads: 5
  • Release date : 01/17/2012
  • Author : cedricbourgeois & slideboy
  • Licence : Free License
  • Categories:
  • Operating system : Windows

Koomato is a plug-in for Microsoft Outlook that allows you to use the Pomodoro technique with its email tool.

Stay active throughout the day

Staying physically active can also help you focus better on your work and reduce the likelihood of developing health problems.

You can choose to join a gym, but you also don’t have to drastically change your daily routine to increase your daily physical activity. You can also easily incorporate the following activities into your routine:

  • running ;
  • strength exercises at home;
  • gardening work;
  • house cleaning.

Stay hydrated and eat healthy

Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water can also help you focus better on your work. Dehydration and hunger are unwelcome distractions.


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