Telecommuting: these Americans who refuse to return to the office

DECRYPTION – The craze for telework, democratized by the Covid-19 pandemic, worries bosses like certain parliamentarians.

Washington Correspondent

Many deserted offices, shops and restaurants that are not very busy, or even still closed… Despite the marked decline in the number of Covid cases in the federal capital, the return to the pre-pandemic norm seems an increasingly dubious hypothesis.

Mike Causey, journalist of the Federal News Network, very followed by more than 200,000 civil servants who work in the capital and its suburbs, summarizes the state of mind of the employees of the public sector, federal or local: “Go back to the office? What if I told you, never? Almost everyone who reacts to my articles says they will quit rather than return to the oppressive routine of working in the office from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.“, he explains.

“A lot of people will never come back to work all week”

Throughout the United States, the trend is the same. “Lots of people have gotten used to not going to the office five days a week. Many will never return to work all week“says with resignation…

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