Teleconsultation ready to change dimension

Medical teleconsultation booths are already present in some pharmacies (here, in Nice). SYSPEO/SIPA

INFO LE FIGARO – Telemedicine is now seen as a way to streamline the care pathway. Number one, Medadom, is launching a new device.

This is Medadom’s new bet to boost teleconsultation in pharmacies. After terminals and booths, the company is launching a connected console, to allow smaller pharmacies to offer this service to their customers in their privacy space.

We are targeting the 10% of French pharmacies that cannot equip themselves for lack of space, details Nathaniel Bern, co-founder of Medadom. It is a means of expanding our range in order to offer access to care for all. This could also allow us to strengthen our presence in town halls or in other types of establishments.. The console will allow the same services as the terminals or cabins (access to a doctor from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., third-party payment, care without an appointment, etc.).

Helping with emergencies?

Medadom, which has made it possible to carry out 700,000 teleconsultations since its creation in 2017, has established itself as the number one in a sector which is still very fragmented, boosted by the Covid. Its 2200 terminals and cabins are present…

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