Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was indicted by the French courts this summer for negligence regarding his Telegram service, where serious acts (child sexual exploitation, fraud, drug trafficking) regularly take place. Today, the Russian CEO is taking a first step towards the authorities: he was able to announce on Telegram that the IP addresses and phone numbers of users subject to “of a legal and valid request” following a violation of the rules would be transmitted to the appropriate authorities.
Telegram shows white paw
This is a profound change in Telegram’s own policy. Indeed, until now, the rules of the application provided for cooperation with the courts only in one case: suspicion of terrorist activities. It is well known that Telegram is a breeding ground for illegal actions and content. This change in policy should therefore have a significant impact on the social network. Durov agrees in his post on Telegram: “Telegram search is for finding friends or following news, not for promoting illegal things“.
In order to show his credentials, Durov also announced that he wanted to improve moderation on the platform. Until now, this has been ensured almost exclusively by artificial intelligence. The Telegram boss thus claims to want to strengthen the team of human moderators, to make the social network safer.All problematic content we identified in the search is no longer available: if you see something illegal, please report it” confirms Pavel Durov.
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