Television Belgian brothers Lucas and Nicolas win “Beijing Express”

After four intense sprints in Dubai, the Belgian brothers Lucas and Nicolas won the final of “Beijing Express” on M6, after crossing four countries and 35 days of racing.

A record performance

Big favorites for this final, they had flown over the rest of the competition, winning the record for the pair having won the most stages in the history of the show. On the starting line of this final, they had around their necks eight amulets out of the ten in play (won with each stage victory). Jérémy and Fanny, the young parents from Ain who did not hide their direct rivalry with the Belgian brothers during previous broadcasts, left with only 20,000 potential euros in their pocket out of the 100,000 divided between the pairs.

Sensational events in Dubai

The two pairs competed around high-flying events. While the show has now accustomed us to bungee jumps or even giant zip lines, like the one they had to descend in the semi-finals, it was downright a parachute jump that awaited the candidates this evening. If the brothers showed themselves to be imperturbable with determination, this ordeal was almost insurmountable for Fanny, who had already been in great difficulty during the zip line event. She finally conquered her vertigo and soared above the Palm Islands. ” You did it ! You did it ! Jérémy didn’t come back on landing.

After the parachute jump, the theme of flight continued with a race of drones to be piloted over an obstacle course. This is the test that put Lucas and Nicolas in the most difficulty, facing Jérémy who already knew how to direct a drone. Finally, we had to reconstitute the giant puzzle of a royal eagle, effigy of this 15th season.

The maximum gain reached

As every year for the “Beijing Express” final, the pairs could take money from their opponents by arriving first in each sprint. At the price of ten euros per second of delay, the slightest deviation was very expensive. In the first sprint, Lucas and Nicolas arrived eight minutes before their opponents. Fanny and Jérémy in turn raised their kitty in the second race, with a three-minute lead. But the brothers regained the lead in the third sprint, recouping all of the couple’s money.

It is therefore with a sum of 100,000 euros at stake, the maximum possible in “Beijing Express”, that Lucas and Nicolas set off in the last race. They did a flawless job on the memory questions asked as they went along. But while Jérémy and Fanny had started hitchhiking very late, the two pairs finally found themselves neck and neck on the home stretch, prolonging the suspense.

The victory was only a greater relief for the brothers, who collapsed in each other’s arms. “We got closer than we could have ever gotten closer,” concluded Lucas.

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