Teleworking: Élisabeth Borne asks companies to expand it from the start of the school year

Gauthier Delomez
, modified at

1:15 p.m., December 22, 2021

Labor Minister Élisabeth Borne calls on companies to prepare to expand teleworking for the start of the school year, on January 3, to counter the spread of the Omicron variant of Covid-19. On Europe 1, the minister asks for a minimum of “three days” for positions which allow it, “or even four days when possible”.


The strong comeback of teleworking in France. While the measure became mandatory for two weeks in Portugal on Tuesday, Labor Minister Élisabeth Borne asked companies in Europe Morning to prepare to “reinforce” it for the start of the school year, on January 3. At the microphone of Lionel Gougelot, Élisabeth Borne wants “a target of three days minimum for positions which allow it, or even four days when possible”. A measure that comes in the context of the rapid spread of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 in France.

“We must speed up teleworking”

This request from the Minister of Labor also follows repeated requests from companies to gradually reinstate teleworking for employees. “Today, we have a target of two to three days. We have just had the results of the survey conducted by my ministry. We see that about 60% of employees can easily telework, and who did last week on average three days a week “, she explained on Europe 1.” It is clear that with the situation, we must accelerate, strengthen teleworking, “she said. Unlike the health pass in business, the minister said that on remote work, “there was a consensus with the employers ‘and unions’ organizations on Monday”.

Reinforcement of controls

For the measure to be applied, Élisabeth Borne promises that “labor inspection controls” will be “strengthened”. “We came back as we were last spring, at a rate of 5,000 checks per month. We had refocused the action of the labor inspectorate on other subjects when the epidemic had receded,” he said. -she insured. The Minister of Labor also trusts the “responsibility of employers and employees to step up a gear on telework”.

And Élisabeth Borne enumerated the good rules to be respected in business: “The gauges have been maintained. You have to respect a distance of one meter. When you are in collective catering, it is two meters since you have to remove the mask “. Renewing her confidence in everyone, the Minister underlines that “everyone is aware that everything must be done to curb this epidemic. It is both an issue for each of us, and it is also an issue for our economy and our jobs, ”she concluded.

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