Telltale Marvel Easter Egg? Fans spot details about the Young Avengers in the MCU


According to an exciting fan theory, the Young Avengers can already be clearly identified in the MCU. Netzwelt tells you all about it.

Marvel’s Young Avengers: Xochitl Gomez stars as America Chavez, Billy and Tommy Maximoff, Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel, Eli Bradley aka Patriot, Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop aka Hawkeye and Riri Williams aka Ironheart (Source: Jean_Nelson / / Disney / Marvel Studios / Marvel Comics / Collage: Net World)

  • A theory about the Young Avengers is circulating on Reddit.
  • Accordingly, the members of the superhero squad can already be clearly identified.
  • The key to this is a telltale Easter egg.

Marvel fans have been speculating for a long time that the Young Avengers are coming. This article gives you an overview of the members: Young Avengers: Marvel introduces the new generation of superheroes! A number of potential Young Avengers have also appeared in MCU films and series over the past few years – for example Eli Bradley/ Patriot in “The Falcon and The Winter Soldier” and Wanda’s children Billy/ Wiccan and Tommy/ Speed ​​in “WandaVision”.

However, a particularly fascinating fan theory is now circulating on Reddit, according to which the Young Avengers have already been clearly identified in the MCU: A giraffe is supposed to mark the members of the teenage superhero squad.

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The pet can be spotted in the children’s room in “WandaVision”, in Morgan’s room in “Avengers: Endgame” and in young Kate Bishop’s room in “Hawkeye”. Marvel viewers first see the giraffe in young Hope’s bedroom in “Ant-Man and the Wasp” – and Hope did indeed become an Avenger. Therefore – according to the Reddit theory – the stuffed animal could also provide information about the next generation.

The giraffe as a symbol for the Young Avengers?

The giraffe as a symbol for the Young Avengers? (Source: Screenshot Disney+)

Whether this is all just a coincidence, however, will only be able to show the Marvel future in phases 4 and 5.

Source: Screenrant.

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