PARIS (Reuters) – French tennis player Richard Gasquet announced on Thursday that he would retire after the 2025 edition of the Parisian Roland-Garros tournament.
“I am announcing to you that I will stop at Roland-Garros next year. I think it is the best time for me to do it,” declared the 38-year-old in an interview with L’Equipe.
Currently 133rd in the ATP rankings, Richard Gasquet has reached three Grand Slam semi-finals and rose to the rank of 7th player in the world in 2007.
“The idea of the end became obvious this summer, when I saw that I was having difficulty getting back into the 100” best players, explains Richard Gasquet, known for having one of the most beautiful one-handed backhands of the circuit.
“It’s not heartbreaking because I gave everything,” he adds. “I can’t give more, quite simply, I can’t go any further.”
(Written by Blandine Hénault)
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