Tennis: That’s what Roger Federer says after his Wimbledon exit

Recorded by Cécile Klotzbach

How did you feel about leaving the pitch to the ovations of the fans?
Roger Federer: It was tough after the last few games when I felt that I couldn’t get out of a tight spot. I’m not so used to situations like this. The audience was amazing, that’s why I still play. Unfortunately, they witnessed my clear defeat. But I am extremely grateful for all of the support over the years. But of course it’s a tough ending.

Was that your last time at Wimbledon?
I don’t know, really don’t. I’m trying to put that into perspective now. I’ve achieved my goal, which I’ve had for a year or more, namely to play here. But I’ll have to talk to my team about everything that comes after that. I now need some time to analyze everything in peace. Where is the journey going? Should she go on? After the tough 18 months I’m just happy that I made it to the quarter-finals. The danger was always there, in every round. Whether the body goes along or I find the level … I was able to prove that to myself so far. But now at the end I have noticed again that something crucial is missing. And now let’s see what I have to do to be in better shape and to keep up with the best. Of course I would like to play here again. But at my age you’re never sure what’s coming around the corner.