Tens of thousands of demonstrators for May Day, the last weekend of negotiations on the left, France will strengthen its military support for Ukraine… This weekend’s news


Protesters pound the pavement for May Day. Tens of thousands of people marched all over France for the traditional International Workers’ Day, at the call of many unions and associations. The approximately 250 demonstrations in the country brought together a total of “more than 210,000” ppeople on Sunday, according to the CGT count. Of this total, the central trade union claims 50,000 demonstrators in Paris, while they were 21,000 according to an accounting by the cabinet Occurrence. A mobilization that took place in a particularly political context, after the presidential election and before the legislative elections. On the front line, the unions want to keep control of their demands, purchasing power in mind and opposition to pension reform. Clashes also broke out on the sidelines of the Parisian procession, 45 people were arrested according to a report released Sunday at the end of the day by the Ministry of the Interior.

Last weekend of negotiations on the left. The deals for the legislative elections led by La France insoumise with EE-LV, the PS, the PCF and the NPA are in their last hours while Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls on the left to find an agreement “tonight”. Sunday evening is the deadline for an agreement mentioned by all the protagonists, who evoke the imperatives of electoral propaganda but also of campaigning for the legislative elections which are fast approaching, on June 12 and 19.

Coralie Dubost retires from political life. The LREM deputy from Hérault would have used public funds for her personal expenses, in particular clothing or leisure, according to Mediapart. After 48 hours of controversy, to silence this uproar – what she considers to be “unjust attacks” – the elected has decided not to stand again next June.

France is going to step up its military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. France is going “to strenghten” the sending of military equipment to Ukraine as well as its humanitarian aid to this country, announced the Elysée after a meeting between re-elected President Emmanuel Macron and his counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky. While the Ukrainian President thanked him for “Massive military equipment shipments that contribute to the Ukrainian resistance”the French head of state “indicated that this support will continue to be strengthened, as will the humanitarian assistance provided by France”. Visit our dedicated article to find all the latest information on the conflict.

Death of Régine, banter save the queen. She invented the discotheque and reigned over Parisian nights, ultimate party girl at the crossroads of all the celebrities, cheeky singer, the “Grande Zoa” died this Sunday at the age of 92. Our obituary.

Record attendance for the women’s football match between PSG and OL. With more than 43,000 spectators, the Champions League semi-final between PSG and OL broke the attendance record for a women’s football club match in France on Saturday evening April 30. But this performance masks the daily reality of the first division, at a very heterogeneous level and which is still struggling to seduce the general public. Our analysis.

Read also on liberation.fr

Trump and Twitter: despite the “I love you neither”, the love story seems to be over. Although inconsolable at the loss of his past audience after his banishment in 2021, the former American president, bound by financial obligations with the Truth network on which he converted, swears to have turned the page with the company acquired by Elon Musk. The story of our correspondent in New York.

Vandalism during the occupation of the new EHESS building: “We are immersed in such absurdity”. A week after the end of the student occupation of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Aubervilliers, tags and traces of the blockage still streak the interior of the building. A complaint was filed by the governance of the institution. Release went there.

The duo Die Antwoord accused of physical and sexual violence by their adopted son. The famous South African hip-hop rave group is being blamed for one of their adopted children, who has gone public with a string of abuse over the years. The singers deny. No prosecution has been initiated at this time.

In the Loiret, vodka rolls its Beauce. Passionate about the distillery, the farming couple Paul-Henri and Pauline Leluc took on the slightly crazy bet of making vodka in a region best known for growing cereals and sugar beets. Read the report.

Cuban dissident artists: “Our freedom of expression is inseparable from public freedoms”. Forced into exile, visual artist Tania Bruguera and art historian Carolina Barrero recount the relentlessness of the communist regime in silencing the opposition. And believe that the country has definitely changed with the protest marches in the summer of 2021. Testimonies to be found here.

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