Tensions intensify between Hezbollah and the Israeli army

While the United States has been trying in recent days to achieve a de-escalation, the head of Israeli diplomacy, Israel Katz, threatened Hezbollah with destruction on Tuesday following a “total war”. And the Israeli army approved “operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon”.

The leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, warned him the next day that“no place” in Israel would not be spared by the missiles of its movement in the event of an attack.

The war in Gaza, sparked by an unprecedented Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, has led to increased clashes on the Israeli-Lebanese border between the Israeli army and Hezbollah – an ally of the Palestinian terrorist movement. – which a deadly conflict already took place in 2006.

These clashes left at least 478 dead in Lebanon, including 93 civilians and more than 305 Hezbollah fighters, according to a count from Agence France-Presse based on data from the movement and official Lebanese sources.

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