Terrible discovery in the freezers of a “local Brigitte Bardot”: Current Woman Le MAG

She was nicknamed the “local Brigitte Bardot”, because of her common passion with that of the star of the Contempt for animals. Twenty eight dead animals were finally found in a 73-year-old woman, in a house in Montredon-Labessonnié, in the Tarn, following a report made by veterinarians on June 6, 2023. Many mistreated animals, “about twenty cats, 29 dogs, 5 hens, 4 birds, 6 pigs, 18 horses, 6 goats and a sheep, mostly domestic“, reports The Dispatchon July 4, 2023, were also found, rickety, starving, and “in poor psychological condition.” Their owner is, according to the newspaper, suffering from Noah’s syndrome. This mental disorder consists of compulsively accumulating animals in one’s home, even if the financial, spatial or living conditions do not lend themselves to it. If the exact causes of this behavior are not not yet clearly defined, a traumatic event may be involved. People suffering from this disorder consider themselves as saviors, and do not conceive of separating from the animals collected.

“Noah’s Syndrome”: what are the specific profiles?

In this case, during her hearing on Monday June 26, 2023, the owner allegedly “partially acknowledged the facts, however denying having abandoned his animals.” Continued by the court of Castres, sub-prefecture of Tarn departmentshe faces up to three years in prison.. Our colleagues sought to find out if there was a “particular profile” of people affected by this disorder. However, according to a study conducted in Quebec, in 75% of cases, it is rather women, with a 46% prevalence among those over 60. The website hoarding specifies that this tendency increases in the event of isolation. The Dispatch cites the example of a 60-year-old woman in Paris, in whom one hundred and thirty cats had been discovered in a 25 square meter studio in September 2017. In June 2017, in the Jura, thirty-eight cats and four dogs had were discovered in the apartment of a 41-year-old man from La Loye. Dead animals were frozen and served as meals for other living animals. For the time being, the woman in question is presumed innocent of the charges against her.

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