Terrorist risk: Austria, France, Germany… These European countries on alert for Christmas Eve

Martin Lange, edited by Gauthier Delomez / Photo credits: MAX SLOVENCIK / APA / AFP
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02:11, December 25, 2023

While many Europeans are preparing to celebrate Christmas this Sunday and Monday, the security services of several European capitals are on alert, such as in Vienna where three Islamists were arrested on Saturday. In France, in Meurthe-et-Moselle, five people were also arrested.

No let-up this holiday season. This Christmas Eve, several European capitals are on alert facing the threat of attack, such as Vienna in Austria. Three suspected Islamists were arrested on Saturday evening, according to a press release from the local police. These terrorist agents are calling for attacks against Christian events, especially around December 24.

Cologne, Vienna and Madrid on alert

The Austrian police therefore stepped up controls on churches and Christmas markets. All the faithful must be searched in the evening for the traditional midnight mass.

For its part, the German newspaper Bild reveals that the security services of three countries – Germany, Spain and Austria – have received indications that an Islamist group wants to carry out several attacks. The targets would be masses in Cologne, Vienna and Madrid. Moreover, Cologne Cathedral was searched on Saturday evening without anything being discovered. A person linked to the Islamist movement was also arrested.

Extreme vigilance in France

Extreme vigilance is also required in France, for several reasons. “First, there are festivities which bring a lot of people to the Christmas markets, masses, etc. Then, it is a symbol that the Islamists are attacking, political Islam,” warns Jean -Michel Fauvergue, former boss of RAID, at the microphone of Europe 1.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin called on the prefects to be extremely vigilant. Friday, five people were arrested in the East. The police suspected them of preparing an attack against the Christmas market in Nancy.

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