Test: do you suffer from depression?

Sadness, discomfort, anxiety … what if it was depression? This test will assess your psychological state.

A sadness that you cannot define the origin of? Frequent insomnia? Loss of appetite that lasts? What if you suffered from depression? This common mental illness can affect anyone, at any age in life. In France, according to Inserm, depression affects one in five people (1 in 10 men and 1 in 5 women). Almost 8 million people have experienced or will experience depression in their lifetime. Along with anxiety, it is the most common mood disorders.

It is characterized by a set of symptoms and not an isolated sign. These symptoms are listed in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Stastitical Manual of Mental Discorders) which is the basic medical book for diagnosis of mental illness. There are nine major ones: almost permanent sadness, loss of pleasure, appetite disorders (significant change in weight), sleep disorders, loss of intellectual performance, quasi-permanent fatigue, loss of value. self, psychomotor slowing down and dark thoughts.

Read also : Depression: how to get out of it?

The test below was developed by American psychiatrist Aaron Beck in 1961 (then revised in 1996). This is an indicative test, one of the tools to aid in the diagnosis of depression according to the French National Authority for Health (HAS). It is not presented for the purpose of self-diagnosis. Only a healthcare professional can diagnose the pathology.

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