TEST Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, Hidetaka Miyazaki’s magnum opus?

How to move on after Bloodborne And Dark Souls III ? That was the question everyone was asking when FromSoftware announced it was working on Elden Ring, a new open-world action role-playing game, where previous titles directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki only offered vast areas to explore. Well, who knows how, but the magic totally happened in February 2022 when the Japanese studio launched Elden Ringa masterful Action RPG inviting us to discover the sublime and terrifying landscapes ofBetween the earth to become the Lord of Elden. In two years, fans have had time to analyze everything, from objects to settings, to understand this convoluted and disjointed storyline. But a story has not yet been told, that of Messmer the Impaler.

The FromSoftware magic happens.

Terrifying figure of the extension Shadow of the Erdtree, Messmer was ravaged by flames Shadow Realmbut Miquella le Clement chose to exile himself in this inhospitable place, our new playground. After spending 330 hours on Elden Ringwe couldn’t wait to find out what FromSoftware and Hidetaka Miyazaki had concocted this additional content for us. Is it as sublime as the basic experience? Answer in this test. Let us point out that there will be absolutely no spoilers regarding the story, as always, and we will remain very evasive about the creatures, bosses and environments to leave you the pleasure of discovering it all for yourself. Besides, If you loved Elden Ring as much as we did, head straight to the conclusion and go buy Shadow of the ErdtreeYou will not be disappointed.

Discover the Shadow Realm is deserved. To access the extension Shadow of the Erdtreeyou must first have conquered Radahn, the scourge of the stars And Mogh, Lord of Blood (see our Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree GUIDE, here’s how to find Radahn and Mogh to access the expansion’s content). The cocoon present in the latter’s arena has intrigued all players, but now, a signet ring named Leda waits nearby, inviting us to join the Shadow Realm to follow in the footsteps of Miquella and understand the reasons for his exile in this sinister place. THE Shadow Realm has no physical connection with theBetween the earth, access is via loading, then using the card afterwards. After this teleportation, our Dull finds himself in a cave, moves forward a few meters and… Magic FromSoftware operates. An immense landscape, dotted with ghostly tombstones, stands before us, as does a terrifying dark castle and a World Tree ravaged far away. A desolate setting, bruised by Messmer, but terribly sublime. In one plan, we already know what awaits us. But this is only the beginning.

After a few steps, the subject of the level of difficulty is raised upon encountering an unfriendly welcoming committee. A single creature, with a disturbing design and completely new movements, attacks us and kills us for the first time. No matter how high you are, all cards are redistributed in Shadow of the Erdtreeyou will need to find two resources to improve your character. The splinters of theOccult-Tree increase our damage and our resistance, while the Revered Spiritual Ash enhances summoned spirits. Two rare resources, but necessary to survive the Shadow Realm and who will not follow you in theBetween the earth. A clever way to rebalance all the characters to launch into the expansion on an equal footing. However, the difficulty is very present and, before recovering these Blessings, you will spend some time frolicking. There, only talent counts, with always the same slogans: caution and observation. Be careful, because danger can come from anywhere, the developers have lost none of their sadism in hiding enemies in corners to surprise us and eliminate us. Observation, because you have to look everywhere to find your way and above all analyze the behavior of these unique monsters.

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Editor – Tester

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