TEST Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD: a chewable adaptation on Switch?

If you haven’t followed the little story, Nintendo has made the decision to port one of its flagship 3DS productions to Swiych: Luigi’s Mansion 2. Entitled “HD”, this adaptation has the right some (small) new features and a visual facelift. So we spent a long time with this production, it’s time to give you our impressions of this experience which is switching to the big screen.

Fine, colorful and neat.

To make the game look flashy on a TV, the developers had to increase the resolution, adjust the textures and modify the modeling of certain characters. Result of the races? L’aliasing disappearsthe graphics are fine, colorful and neat. In addition, the fluidity is there, it’s a joy. And on the small screen of the Switch, what does that look like? It really is superb, especially if you have the OLED model at home, the colors jump out at you !

However, there is one point we want to address: flat rendering. And for good reason, basic the title was designed for stereoscopic 3D, with well-thought-out depth fields. Obviously, switching to 2D can be disturbing during certain passages, we think of the little blue balls that we have to catch… On 3DS, it was easy to distinguish them, on Switch, it lacks readability. The firm would have had to change the angle of the camera (and raise it) to correctly perceive the spheres. A bit of a shame.

Concerning the handling, here too, adjustments have been applied. In fact, it is now possible to use the second joystick to catch a ghost. The problem is that the controls are not precise, the player can miss his target from time to time; it just takes a little time to adapt to understand the movements. In addition, it is possible to use the gyroscope to control our character and honestly, it’s a horror. L’Ectoblast 5000 panics, gesticulating Joy-con in all directions… We therefore recommend deactivating the setting to enjoy the game as it should be.

Impossible to be bored, especially with friends!

Who says portage, also says a little additional content: the Haunted Tower. This is multiplayer (local or online) where 4 players can take on various challenges. As ? Catch several Ectochians by tracking them, sucking up specters hidden on all floors, or even finding the right exit within a time limit. There are also big colossi hanging around, we can then cooperate to eliminate them ; like sucking together and at the same time a huge enemy to lower his life points. This mode easily distractsimpossible to be bored, especially with friends!

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD 13 14 09 2023

So you will have understood, Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD easily entertains. 3DS lovers will be able to dive back into this classic, others, discover a comical and amusing adventure. Some points could have been adjusted (like the camera to distinguish certain elements on the screen), but we had a great time with this production. Without forgetting the Haunted Tower which has something to brighten up your end of the day. In short, to do or to redo!

You can buy Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD on:

Read also: TEST – Luigi’s Mansion 2: Casper had better watch out


  • Visually it’s clean
  • The Haunted Tower, fun multiplayer
  • Controlling the Ectoblast 5000 with the second joystick…

The lessers

  • …even if it is not very precise
  • Some passages are not suitable for “2D”

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