Test phase – “Everything runs much better with a four-day week”

The Parkhotel Brunauer in Salzburg has had a 36-hour week since May. The employees are happy with it.

The Parkhotel Brunauer in the city of Salzburg is a pioneer when it comes to the four-day week. The management introduced this for the entire workforce at the beginning of May – initially in test mode. “The idea came up last summer when I read a study on the four-day week from Iceland,” says hotel manager Manuel Uguet at the start. He immediately found an ally for the idea in AK President Peter Eder – the hotel belongs to the Salzburg Chamber of Labour. Those responsible planned to implement it from August 2021. Not an easy task: “We didn’t have a template,” emphasizes Uguet. When the plans were finished and presented to the staff, enthusiasm was limited. “I was surprised by the reactions, it just sounded too good for many,” reports the manager. That has now changed and the staff is enthusiastic. The work is 36 hours on four days with full pay. “Everything is much more relaxed with it,” says the waitress Lisa. It came into operation in May – because of the four-day week. She wasn’t the only one. Two new chefs were even found. However, the team has to stick together to ensure that the system also works during peak times. “There is also help in other areas,” says Uguet. He explains that despite new employees, the costs are not much higher. After all, you save on overtime and temporary workers.
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