Test winner at Stiftung Warentest: This is the best corded vacuum cleaner

We last tested our test winner among the cable vacuum cleaners in November 2017 – but to this day the AEG VX9-2-Öko is unbeaten and number one on our list of the best. In our test, the cable vacuum cleaner AEG VX9-2-Öko proves to be a real dust pick-up miracle – especially when cleaning carpets – and gets a straight A for it. The equipment is also excellent. It is particularly practical here that upholstery, furniture and parquet nozzles that are not in use can be stowed away in the accessory compartment.

However, the AEG model is not one of the quietest representatives of its kind. In addition, the VX9-2-Öko with a weight of 7.4 kilograms is anything but a lightweight.

Note: We did not test the test winner of Stiftung Warentest, the Bosch BGC41XSIL, ourselves, which is why no comparison can be made here. Conversely, the CHIP test winner from AEG was not one of the products tested at Stiftung Warentest.

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