Test winner: The best smartwatch at Stiftung Warentest

Just like the CHIP test center, the experts from Stiftung Warentest also regularly examine the new smartwatches on the market. In the 5/2022 issue, the testers chose an unsurprising test winner: the Apple Watch Series 7. It is currently Apple’s latest smartwatch on the market and not only impressed with Stiftung Warentest, but is also our smartwatch test winner (to the CHIP test ).

With the overall rating “very good” (grade 1.3), it leads our list of the best smartwatches. This places it ahead of the Series 6 in second place and the Series 5 in third place.

At Stiftung Warentest things are a bit different. If you look at all the results of the products tested since December 2020, you can quickly see that the Apple Watch Series 7 shares first place with the predecessor model Series 6 (for the CHIP test). Both cut the test with the overall rating “good” (grade 2.0). The Garmin Fenix ​​6 Pro (to Media Markt).

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