Test your skills: 5 questions that only good kissers can answer

Do you judge yourself correctly?
5 questions that only good kissers can answer

© DavideAngelini / Shutterstock

Do you really kiss as well as you think? Unfortunately, there is no feedback sheet that can be evaluated at home after a date. With the help of these 5 questions you can find out for yourself very quickly.

Of course, everyone is different – one likes what another puts off. Even so, many share the same kissing preferences. But just because you know what you like yourself doesn’t mean that you are a: e good: r kisser: in yourself. These five questions will help you find out.

1. What are the hands doing?

The wrong answer would be: nothing. Because if both of your hands dangle next to you, then you are not reaching your full potential. A gentle grip on your partner’s hair already makes the difference. For example, many men like it when you touch their breasts with feeling. And many women love to be petted on the back. As with everything, it depends on the dosage: Rapid changes in position of the hands, too much pressure or unnatural movements quickly destroy the romantic mood.

2. When does the tongue come into play?

The French kiss is probably the premier class when it comes to kissing. So much can go wrong: Sometimes it’s too damp, then too dry, sometimes too much, then too little, sometimes too wild or too shy. But apart from the execution: When does the tongue come into play at all? Here, too, the motto is to slowly approach. If you start immediately with the full portion of your tongue, it will overwhelm the: the partner: in. It is better to settle down and get involved with the other person first. There is no such thing as the perfect time – but it is definitely not at the beginning.

3. What is the right pace?

As you may have already seen with the first two questions, it is usually best to slowly build the kiss. The key word is progress! You have to pay attention to this even before the kiss: Look into your partner’s eyes. Perhaps the gaze wanders to the lips, but then back up again. If the chosen one breaks eye contact, you may be too hasty. But if you notice that there is a mutual interest, then don’t rush. Take your time, touch the other person’s face and slowly come closer. Breaks are also encouraged during snogging, and are best used to make eye contact.

4. How do you use all your possibilities?

The kissing doesn’t stop at the mouth. No, I don’t mean the next step into intimacy, but that you use all possibilities. Specifically, this means: the neck, the nape of the neck, the shoulders and the cheeks also want to be caressed with your kisses. Monotonous smooching runs the risk of becoming boring. If you can shine with a few variations, that keeps the tension going.

5. How much tension is enough?

First of all: tension in the oral cavity is rather counterproductive. Because the kiss should flow and not splash. The topic of tension relates to the next step in lovemaking: intimate touch. If it crackles increasingly, it would be a big mistake to ignore it for fear of rejection. Even a touch on the hip or thigh can be something very intimate and suitable for careful knocking.


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