TESTIMONY. “Because of Greater Paris, at 80, we are expropriated from our house”

The house of Roger and Nicole, and 25 owners, will be demolished to allow the construction of metro line 15. Unthinkable for these retirees who have lived there for sixty years.

“We will fight until the end!”, announces Roger, 81 years old. For this retiree, former foundry workshop foreman, the letter sent by the Société du Grand Paris in July 2020 had the effect of a bomb. “Do you realize, moving for a lifetime? And to go where? In a retirement home? I’m still active, I do my garden and the housework, but my wife and I won’t have the energy to resume a house. Besides, she has been hospitalized for some time. This whole story has played on our health. We wake up at night, we think about it”, deplores Roger.

In the letter in question, the Société du Grand Paris indeed announced that the future line 15 of the metro which is to link Saint-Denis, in Seine-Saint-Denis, to Champigny, in Val-de-Marne, passing, therefore , by Rosny-sous-Bois requires the demolition of twenty-five dwellings. A trajectory which, according to the future expropriated, seems to have evolved since the validation of the project in 2017. “At the beginning, the works concerned the station sector, precisely because it had no impact on real estate and then , after the municipal elections, we learn that they will have to dig in our street.

Prices have skyrocketed and they fear they will not be able to relocate to the area

With the other members of the twenty-five homes concerned, a petition was launched and meetings were held to try to find a favorable outcome. But the Société du Grand Paris does not intend to modify its project. However, she says she wants to offer “amicable agreements and personalized solutions that will suit everyone” by the end of 2022, by which time it will be necessary to leave the housing to be destroyed. “If I had been young, I could have imagined selling and moving elsewhere.” To date, a dozen owners seem to have found financial common ground to sell their homes. But for older people, the situation is complex.

Nicole, a former nurse, and her husband have lived in Rosny since the 1960s. “I built this house with my own hands with my father and my brothers over sixty years ago. maintained there to live out our old age peacefully. And there, before dying, you have to get out, it’s dreadful!”, laments Roger. Especially since real estate prices in the inner suburbs have soared and the couple fears that they will not be able to relocate to the same area as their relatives. “Here, we all have our bearings. We are very close to food stores, the shopping center and our family. Our whole life is there.”

A preliminary investigation of public interest will be submitted to the prefect, who will decide

Heartbreaking too for their children and grandchildren, who grew up in this pavilion and all have precious memories there. “They take care of the administrative procedures and defend our interests”, explains Roger, who can count on his own. Latest advance to date: “a preliminary investigation of public interest carried out in the town hall and transmitted to the prefect who must either authorize the expropriation, or decide to return to the initial project in the district of the station and save these twenty-five houses”.


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