Tetris: The film based on the creation of the famous game unveils its first images

I might as well reassure you right away: no, no one had the crazy idea of ​​making a film that literally adapts Tetris (the mediocre pixels enough). On the other hand, Hollywood took an interest in the production of the game and its eventful genesis, and it is Apple who launched the production of this film, which will soon see the light of day but only on the small screen. No cinema release for this biopic probably a little fictionalized on henk rogersthe man who brought the world’s most popular game to the West, but a planned broadcast on AppleTV+ next month.

A story of blocks

This film therefore promises to tell us the story of Henk Rogers (played by Taron Egerton), who will discover Tetris in 88 during the CES in Las Vegas. A game that will quickly become an obsession, to the point of taking him to the USSR to meet Alexey Pajitnov (Nikita Efremov), while tensions between the United States and the Soviet state are still very tense. .

This first trailer clearly wants to make us feel a little spirit The Social Networkwhile giving a little more epic look to Rogers’ journey in his desire to make Tetris accessible to the whole world.

If you have an Apple TV+ subscription, you can watch this film Tetris from March 31 on the service.

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