Texas Massacre: Why Americans Are Buying More Guns

DECRYPTION – Despite the repetition of the killings, the Americans continue to arm themselves massively.

Each mass killing pours salt into the sore of the still heated debate over gun control in the United States. The death of nineteen children and two teachers by the bullets of an 18-year-old killer in Uvalde, Texas, is yet another example. But these tragedies usually have another immediate consequence: they drive thousands of Americans to arm themselves.

The number of “background checks” carried out by the FBI, which is part of the United States of the metrics used to monitor the evolution of arms sales in the United States, is on average 1 million per month. This number of transactions tends to increase in times of crisis, and especially after the killings. Thus, 2 million “background checks” were carried out in January 2013, following the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school, which left 26 dead. This peak also corresponds to the period of Barack Obama’s re-election to the presidency.

Sales surges

Barack Obama had indeed promised a “gun bill”…

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