TF1: Jean-Pierre Pernaut finally back! : Current Woman Le MAG

May joy return to our hearts. The test is over. After dark, here comes the light. Hope is reborn. What? Did we find a Covid-19 vaccine? Trump and North Korea have decided to destroy their nuclear arsenals? The government announced the payment of a bonus of 10,000 euros to each citizen? Better than that: Jean-Pierre Pernaut returns to the set of TF1 to present the 1pm. Hallelujah!

The Cantal cobblers cried with joy, the pork butcher of Mortagne-au-Perche started a dance of joy around his artisanal sausage and the baker of Saint-Geniès-de-Malgoirès offered a general tour of fougasses while , terrorized, the CGT railroaders were hiding in the basements of the Gare du Nord.

The herald of eternal France is back, "delighted" as he writes on his twitter account, in top form and motivated like never before. However, the blows of fate did not spare Jean-Pierre Pernaut. The tireless defender of the Lorraine quetsche had to fight against the disease before giving way to Jacques Legros on the front page during the confinement. But our national JPP knew how to stay active, participating in the newspaper from his home and occasionally pushing his famous rants (because, huh, don't blow him in the nose holes, to Jean-Pierre).

At 70, he has no plans to stop anytime soon. Hearings ruthlessly crushing any form of competition for more than three decades plead for an extension of his career beyond the legal retirement age. The gariguette harvest should still be entitled to some good reports.

⋙ Jean-Pierre Pernaut: how many pounds did he lose during confinement? His wife is swinging

⋙ Jean-Pierre Pernaut: his rant against the government live on TF1

⋙ Jean-Pierre Pernaut: in a funny outfit, he reacts to the images of Parisians agglutinated on the quays