Thales: signing of a partnership on generative AI

(AOF) – Thales and the CEA announce the signing of their new partnership in the field of generative artificial intelligence. Gathered within cortAIx, Thales’ AI accelerator in critical systems, the Group’s AI research teams will collaborate with those of the CEA to provide sovereign, controlled and trusted AI solutions. Through this partnership, with an initial duration of 3 years and renewable, Thales brings its expertise in AI and its in-depth knowledge of the defense and security professions.

For its part, the CEA brings its know-how in multimodal generative AI (based on texts, images, audio, electromagnetic signals, structured data, etc.).

Alongside Thales, the CEA teams will more specifically mobilize their expertise to develop LLM (Large Language Models) and VLM (Vision Language Models) adapted to the field and use cases targeted by Thales.

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