“Thank you for all your support”, after her operation, the princess shares a new photo

While Kate Middleton’s state of health has been worrying the British for two months, she posted, this Sunday, March 10, a photo of her family, in which everything seems to be going well. Enough to reassure the English people.

Reassuring news for all British people. For several months, the state of health of the English royal family has caused concern. Last month, Charles III was hospitalized. If, at the beginning, no information had circulated about the illness he was suffering from, the Palace then revealed that he was suffering from cancer. An illness detected while he was having prostate surgery. But before him, it was Kate who worried England by having an operation last January: “The operation was successful and she is expected to remain in hospital for ten to fourteen days, before returning home to continue her recovery.“, affirmed the palace of Kengsinton. Good news, which indicates that the princess is well. This is also evidenced by this photo posted on Instagramwhere we can see her smiling with her children.

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This Sunday, March 10, Kate Middleton took over the Instagram account that she shares with her husband in order to post a photo of her little family. We can see the Princess of Wales with her three children, Charlotte, George and Louis, all smiles. An image that is pleasant to see, where we notice, however, that Prince William is absent. And for good reason: he is posted behind the camera, as indicated in the publication’s credits. In the caption, the princess did not fail to thank all the people who were concerned about her health, wishing everyone a happy Mother’s Day. However, she does not say more about her current state: “Thank you all for your well wishes and support during the last two months. I wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day.”

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What is Kate Middleton suffering from?

Even if she doesn’t give many details, we can see from her smile that Kate Middleton is doing better. But for all that, questions arise about the illness from which she suffered. According to Stéphane Bern, this is a rather strange situation, because it is a long, quite unusual convalescence: “You can ask any surgeon. If it’s not cancerous, if it’s not the gallbladder, there is no fifteen days of hospitalization and two months of convalescence. It seems excessive.”

Bertrand Deckers, for his part, is convinced that he knows what necessitated this operation on the part of the princess: “Kate had a gynecological problem which required a major operation.” However, this is once again a theory, as no confirmation has been given. Kate Middleton will officially be back on June 8.

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