Thanks to mega public transport expansion – In this valley the bus goes to the smallest village

In the Lieser-Maltatal region, you could now do without a car altogether. The new bus timetable is also exciting for the Salzburg representatives!

From the mountain village to the city, to the lido, to the Katschi, to the Innerkrems. These and other connections will be possible from July 8th in the Lieser-Maltatal. As already reported, public transport is being massively expanded there. “We have been working on it for three years – we have put a lot of heart and soul into it,” said regional tourism director Markus Ramsbacher, getting emotional at the presentation on Wednesday at the Alte Burg in Gmünd. The expansion, which will be increased from the current 41,000 kilometers of service to 1.1 million kilometers per year, is not only important for tourism. “Everyone benefits. Schoolchildren, commuters, guests, older people,” said State Transport and Tourism Minister Sebastian Schuschnig, referring to the Koralmbahn. “Of course, Upper Carinthia will benefit from the railway project in Lower Carinthia if the connection is in place – which it is with the new timetable in the valley,” he says, referring to guest surveys “which underline the importance of public transport.” Project also arouses interest in Salzburg2.4 million euros more than before were spent on transport in the valley. The total cost is 3,750,000 euros. The pride in the project is evident among the mayors Franz Aschbacher (Rennweg), Gottfried Kogler (Krems), Arnold Prax (Trebesing), Josef Jury (Gmünd) and Klaus Rüscher (Malta). It was not for nothing that representatives from Lungau (Salzburg) also attended the event. “We have some catching up to do and can learn something from here!” says Johann Lüftenegger, the mayor of St. Margarethen. For Jury, traffic is responsible for whether rural areas make it into the future or not.” His colleague Kogler sees new opportunities: “Emigration can be prevented and jobs created.”“Mali” as a taxi alternative and daily offers The 60-minute service offered on weekdays between Spittal via Gmünd to Rennweg and Malta will now also be available on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. It is easier and faster to travel to Seeboden and the lake, to the Kölnbrein Dam, to the Frido Kordon Hut and to the Pöllatal. Former school routes are to be integrated into the scheduled service and implemented as on-demand transport.Environmentally friendly transportMartin Bacher from Bacher Reisen, who hired 20 new bus drivers and purchased 13 scheduled and minibuses, was not entirely satisfied with the planning. “Because we are now driving more kilometers, that means more CO₂ emissions. We will therefore fill up the buses with HVO, a climate-friendly fuel, and a filling station will be built in Gmünd. The city is the central link for all lines. That is why a bus station is being built.”The project should solve the taxi shortage. “There are inexpensive on-demand buses called ‘Mali’ – short for Malta-Liesertal. They drive when we are called. This applies until 10 p.m.”The representatives refer to a “major renovation with an experimental character”: “Implementation and construction measures are being carried out in stages. We are aware that improvements may be necessary. We are open to feedback!”Now the message is: “Advertise, advertise, advertise! This great project must also be accepted!”
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