Thanksgiving Recipes: With Turkey Of Course |

Thanksgiving – what is that anyway?

When the first English settlers on the American east coast had enough supplies for the harsh winter – and thus escaped starvation – they celebrated a lavish harvest festival for three days. They did this together with the indigenous people who are said to have helped them find supplies. Even then, turkey was served. It's a legend. And as is so often the case, legends say little about historical facts, but a lot about the mentality of those who tell them.

Hundreds of years later, Thanksgiving, the holiday on the fourth Thursday of November, is the most important family celebration in America. On this day, Americans celebrate their history, their nation, their homeland – but above all they celebrate their families. And while turkey is served for dinner across the United States that day, many have their own special recipe that has to do with family history.

On the following pages, we introduce Lynne Tolley's Thanksgiving dinner from Lynchburg, Tennessee. Tolley is a great-grandniece of Jack Daniel, the founder of the whiskey distillery of the same name. It goes without saying that whiskey plays a certain role at your Thanksgiving dinner … We have also selected other delicious recipes for turkey and co.

You can also find other turkey recipes here, for example for the Christmas turkey.