That Happens If You Only Take A Shower Every Two Days


For many people, showering is part of the daily morning or evening routine. But what happens if you let yourself be splashed with water every two days? In the video you can see how often you loud experts should at least take a shower!

Shower daily? That’s what the proponents say!

Whether as a fresh start or a relaxing end to the day: For many people, daily showering is a must. During the day, the body comes into contact with bacteria that can linger on the skin and cause skin irritation in the form of pimples. In addition, most people sweat not only during the day, but also unconsciously at night. Whoever takes a shower daily eliminates sweat and bacteria.

Critics say: This effect has water waiver

It is not wrong to take a shower daily (but only once) with soap. However, it can be better for people with sensitive skin to jump under the shower only every two days. Because: The skin is the largest organ of the body and as such has an important function for your health. With the help of its natural fat film, the skin repels illnesses. If you take a shower only every two days, you will not be harmed by this protective layer, do not burden the skin with shower gels and do not dry it out. Alternatively, you can resort to a moisturizing shower gel that prevents the skin from drying out.

So it’s fine to give up taking a shower – with two exceptions: People who sweat a lot or do a lot of work on their skin, being irritated by dirt or other substances, should better take a shower every day. Otherwise, the cat clothes are enough.