That’s why we mothers are really always so tired

Quiet! Mom wants to sleep! Please!
That’s why we mothers are really always so tired

© Johner Images / Getty Images

“You’re always tired.” – Yes man! I also have a pretty busy job – I’m a MOTHER. But what exactly makes us so exhausted that we can hardly stand up at 8 p.m.? Our author gets to the bottom of it.

by Linda Berger

Yes, of course we usually sleep too little and having children is very nice and very exhausting per se. But other people also have strenuous jobs or a lot on their plate and still make it through to the end of the film at 8:15 p.m., while we were happily dozing off after just 10 minutes. If we even make it to the couch and don’t wake up completely disoriented in the crib two hours later. Shit, unfortunately the mountain of laundry that we actually wanted to take care of during the evening TV program has to be postponed until tomorrow. Not that we have time for that, but it has to work somehow. And we’re already at point one, why we mothers are always tired.

1. To-do list in mind

What I couldn’t get today will really annoy me tomorrow. Or something like that. Moms have long to-do lists. Days when there is nothing to do are rare, very rare, if not non-existent. Unforeseen things don’t make it any better, because they only shake up our schedule even more. This in turn means that we either have to try harder to get everything under one roof, or put things off until the next day, which usually doesn’t have that many gaps in order to get something done quickly. A vicious circle. Even if you can delegate things. Because it’s not just getting things done, but above all “thinking about everything”. Managing appointments, household, job, leisure time for a family is just incredibly exhausting and therefore no wonder that we are already completely crumpled in the afternoon and prefer to have our peace and quiet.

2. Attitude

Especially mothers with small children know this: no matter when, no matter where, no matter how, we are always on the go, always on alert, subconsciously scan our surroundings for possible sources of danger, have amazing reflexes when it matters and our attention is always in the child, even during sleep. After all, everyday things such as all-purpose cleaners or odds and ends lying around quickly become really dangerous objects. So we are in permanent protection mode. The good thing: It gets a little easier when the kids are older, don’t put everything in their mouths and have learned that a red traffic light means “stop”.

3. Multitasking

On the way from the kitchen to the children’s room, quickly put away one to eight things, while waiting in line for the pediatrician and at the same time not letting lunch burn on the stove while the laundry is doing its rounds in the machine. Daily doing for moms. In the last year, home office and homeschooling on top. No wonder we burned out. Multitasking drains an incredible amount of energy. Especially when the mental load mountain grows and grows while trying to finish a thought and the child stands next to us for the tenth time within 3 minutes to say “Mamaaaa?” to express a need. In the best case, we can still remember who we wanted to send an email to.

4. No breaks

Just take a short break? Close your eyes for half an hour and neither hear nor see? Haha, funny. There are only breaks again when the children are older. With Me-Time it often looks difficult for parents beforehand. A real tour de force, especially for single parents. If there is no partner who can take on tasks, only a strong network can help, but you also have to have that first. It sounds exhausting, and it is. No wonder that we sometimes just sit on the kitchen chair at eight in the evening and stare in front of us exhausted – simply because we don’t seem to have any strength left. Oh yes, and sleeping at night is not always possible with small children either. In any case, every mother knows that sleep deprivation is, in fact, torture. Hell!

5. Under constant surveillance

Ever since I became a mother, I have always felt valued and evaluated. Whether I do it right, what my children eat, how many toys they get and how often they are allowed to watch TV. A lot of people have a lot of opinions about when and how to be a good mother, like other mothers who think they can do everything better. Sweep your own door and save your energy! In general, evaluating others is so exhausting. Why don’t we look kindly on each other? The constant competition is just annoying and very, very tiring.


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