The 10 funniest words that only exist in one language

The 10 funniest untranslatable words from around the world

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The Finns have great words, really! For example “Kälsarikännit”, which means something like “drinking alone on the sofa in your underwear and not planning to go out”. Gorgeous, isn’t it? But we would also like to steal a few expressions from other countries… For example:

by Marie Stadler

1. Akihi (Hawaiian)

Immediately after a description of the route, I forgot what I said again

2. Esprit de l’escalier (French)

Quick-witted answer that stupidly only comes to mind when you’re on the stairs to another floor

3. Age otori (Japanese)

The feeling that after going to the hairdresser you look crazier than before

4. Gratrunka (Swedish)

Masturbation when you’re in a bad mood and crying

5. morkiss (finnish)

Moral hangover, that is, the shame of last night’s drunken antics

6. litost (Czech)

The pathetic desperation when someone reminds us of all that went wrong in our lives simply through their successes and happiness

7. Desenrascanço (Portuguese)

People who like to procrastinate, but then pull a good solution out of their sleeve at the last minute

8. abbiocco (Italian)

The feeling of having eaten far too much and therefore not being able to walk any more

9. sobremesa (Spanish)

talk to people you have eaten with before

10. Tingo (pascuense / Easter Island)

Gradually taking over someone else’s belongings by constantly borrowing things and then not giving them back

We also have great words

To console you a bit: There are also words that we have and nobody else has. Which are they?

1. World Pain

When everything just makes you cry. ALL!

2. Worse Bacon

What better reason to munch on some guts than sorrow? Long live the famous ice cream for heartbreak.

3. Angelic patience

The one we must have with our kids once they start dressing themselves. And what they want.

4. make things worse

If the fix does the opposite of what it’s supposed to do…

5. Cosiness

Yes, there is cozyness and hygge and such. But it is not the same as coziness, which is why even many foreigners use our word.

6. Crazy idea

The kangaroo knows…

7. Home shit

How can such an important word not exist abroad? 🙂

8. Closing time

Also one of the words used abroad…

9. Security

Is there a more beautiful word than this?

10. Foreign shame

Maybe because we have the Wendler and the others don’t….


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