The 12 noon shots: Jean-Luc Reichmann shocked by the “traumatic” story of a candidate

On Tuesday March 8, 2022, Jean-Luc Reichmann hosted a new issue of 12 strokes of noon on TF1. As every day, the host welcomed challengers ready to challenge the current Maître de midi Laurent, the philosophy teacher who has been decried. The latter was confronted in particular with Angelic, whose personal story utterly stunned those present on the game board.

Indeed, brought to talk about her on the occasion of Women’s Rights Day, Angélique decided to tell the day of her birth when nothing happened as planned. “It’s more of an experience for my mum Béatrice. I was switched at birth“, she revealed, arousing the shock of Jean-Luc Reichmann. “No ! But then that’s an experience I wouldn’t wish on anyone“, he reacted.

And for Angelique to detail the sequence of events: “It lasted almost 48 hours. It was very fast: I was born and I cried a few moments before I was taken to do first aid. And when I came back with my father, the baby was crying and she said to my father: ‘It’s not my child, it’s not the same cries“Problem, no one wanted to believe Angelique’s mom at the time.”Immediately, everyone said to her: ‘No, you’re still under the influence of the emotion of childbirth…’ And in fact, she remained on the fact that it was not her child and therefore eshe didn’t want it, said Angelique.

Fortunately, by dint of persuasion, Béatrice managed to make herself heard… with a cleaning lady! “After spreading the information around her in the hospital, a housekeeper came to her and told her that indeed, another little girl named Angélique was born the same day than me and was one floor above. And in fact, nWe have exactly the same last name except for one letter.“, she explained.

Again, Jean-Luc Reichmann could not believe it. “It’s traumatic!“, he launched. An incredible story that helped create “a particular link“between mother and daughter.”We are really very, very, very close together. We don’t go a day without calling each other. This is our link“, concluded Angelique.

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