The 3 best SOS tips for back pain

Quick help
The 3 best SOS tips for back pain

© Stockfour / Shutterstock

Back pain can sometimes appear from minute to minute. Now you need quick help – for example with these simple tips!

Sometimes one wrong movement is enough – and the pain shoots us in the back immediately. It is now known that light exercise is actually one of the best remedies for acute back pain – even a short walk can help. But unfortunately the pain is often so severe that we can hardly move from the spot, let alone go for a walk. So what to do We reveal three simple tips that can help with acute back pain.

Step storage

The so-called step positioning relaxes the spine and relieves the intervertebral discs. To do this, lie down on the floor, bend your knees at a 90 degree angle and place your calves horizontally on a chair or sofa. Make sure that the lower back is really firmly on the floor and that there is no hollow back. Lie there for two to five minutes and breathe deeply in and out. Then, carefully roll on your side to get up.

Cat hump

To relax the muscles, it helps to just hang down limply. This works best with the kitty hump: Place a pillow on a seat (e.g. on a chair) and place your stomach over it and just let your head, arms and legs hang down on either side. This loosens the muscles after just a few minutes.

Quick help: The 3 best SOS tips for back pain


Heat treatments are recommended for all types of muscle tension, including acute back pain. There are many variants: A warming patch on the painful areas can help, as can a hot water bottle. Insider tip: A hot stone massage is also easy to do at home. To do this, you collect some oval, flat, large stones in advance in nature and clean them properly. If pain occurs, the stones are heated in warm water (approx. 55 degrees) for 15 minutes, rubbed with a little massage oil and then placed on the painful back areas. The best way to do this is to lie on your stomach and relax until the stones have cooled down.

Even more tips for back pain

What to do with back pain You can find more tips here. We also reveal the causes of back pain, the best back exercises and what a lower back pain is.

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