The 3 most homey astrological signs

Duvet, sets, chips and pajamas … For these three astrological signs, these elements are essential for relaxing at home. Here are the three most homey Zodiac signs.

Video by Clemence Chevallet

For party animals, curfews and confinements have cut off their wings, for JOMO amateurs (Joy Of Missing Out or the joy of missing things), these obligations have allowed them to no longer have to find excuses to stay in their soft nest. Admit that eating pizza in your pajamas is priceless. While some people need to go out every night and roam around to feel free, for others, free time is synonymous with relaxation and self-care. And you, are you one of the 3 most homey zodiac signs?

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

The astrological sign of Taurus is one of the most homey signs. He loves the famous family Sundays at home, which breathe tradition and good regional dishes. A true epicurean, the sign of Taurus finds happiness alongside those close to them. For him, no need to look very far, he resource in the simplicity and the love that we have for him. Better to cook him a nice homemade pizza than invite him to any restaurant. With a horror of the unknown, this sign would risk searching for a pizza place for hours to find the highest rated one on the internet.

Taurus likes to control their surroundings to feel safe. If you were born under this astrological sign, be careful not to miss out on great opportunities and memories. Do not hesitate to leave on a whim with the family on the coasts of Brittany, to taste the traditional pancakes of the region. With this, you could easily get a taste for travel. Develop your curiosity and decrease your need for control. You will have the opportunity to rest under the duvet the following weekend. The key is to succeed in finding a balance.

To see also: Here is the ranking of astrological signs from most to least romantic

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Cancer is surely one of the most relaxed astrological signs and could even win the palm of gold. He likes to stay at home, but he’s far from a lonely person. For a sign that loves safety, a party where the music is in full swing and where alcohol flows freely remains synonymous with the unknown. For this sign, the home is a place where he can feel protected, put his loved ones in safety and keep his family around him. On the other hand, with its fear of abandonment, this water sign can quickly become possessive. He must therefore learn to let go and let others breathe life without panicking at the idea that we could no longer love him.

Uncomfortable in the evening, the sign of Cancer finds refuge at home where he can feel himself without being judged by others. But when he’s hosting a pizza movie night with his friends, you might be surprised that you’re having the best night of your life. Cancer will always take care of his guests and will not lack imagination to set the mood. After a good film, he will love to talk about the subject with sincerity. On the program, confidences and debates.

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Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

We come to the last sign of this top 3: Capricorn. This astrological sign is one of the most pragmatic with the sign of Virgo. Capricorn is responsible and lonely. He would risk getting bored very quickly at a party, not seeing the usefulness that such an evening could bring him. The Capricorn isn’t crazy about crowds or Cancer-like adventures, but they’re not against watching a good movie on their cozy sofa. The home is a way for him to isolate himself and recharge his batteries in peace. This allows Capricorn to take time for himself, to think about his plans or to put some order in his cocoon.

If you have someone around you who was born under the sign of Capricorn, don’t force them to join you for a drink or a night out. When it’s no, it’s no. He is not against having friends, but will only go out when he decides to and leave as he pleases. To entice him into your nets and succeed in spending some time with him, you can always offer him a two-person walk in the forest or invite him for a coffee in a cozy place.

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Lea Lecuyer

With Léa, curiosity is no longer a bad thing. Lifestyle journalist, she always has good advice to boost your well-being and keeps you informed of all the characteristics of your sign …