the 3 secret and disabling fears of Capricorn

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Capricorn season began on December 21 and runs until January 20, 2023. This earth sign has many qualities but also fears that it must overcome. Shana Lyès, astrologer, tells us everything.

Capricorn is an earth sign whose birthday season runs from December 21 to January 20. It is a sign which is ruled by the planet Saturn, which provides his self-confidence and his ambitious side (sometimes a bit too much). The period of Capricorn occurs during and after the holiday season, which is a time for change, renewal and resolutions. It is moreover a demanding sign towards himself who does not hesitate to set ambitious goals for the new year. It is the astrological sign that has the most ambition. He is also patient, which helps him achieve his projects. He is very tenacious (this is also why he finds it difficult to admit that he is wrong), pragmatic and never gets carried away: he keeps a cool head. Nevertheless, he can sometimes be somewhat selfish and individualistic.

Capricorn truly has a reputation for being trustworthy: it’s a grave. He will keep your secret with him. He does not necessarily like to confide but listens willingly and knows how to be attentive. If Capricorn has many qualities, it is also a sign that has fears to face on a daily basis. Shana Lyès, author and astrologer, tells us about the fears of Capricorn.

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Capricorn’s Intimate Fears

Capricorn is a reliable sign and is often a leader. But he can be rigid and pessimistic, which is sometimes problematic in his life. The last earth sign of the zodiac has three big fears according to Shana Lyès.

  • “The Loss of Control”: Just like Virgo or Taurus (two other earth signs), losing control terrifies them. Why ? Because Capricorn likes to have all the cards in hand and plan their future.
  • “Not being taken seriously and/or making a fool of yourself in front of a crowd” : Capricorn is ambitious and always puts their career first. He needs to feel good or recognized in his professional environment. He works a lot and therefore wants to be taken seriously in return. He will have a hard time making a fool of himself or making fun of the situation if he makes a fool of himself because he takes himself seriously on certain subjects.
  • “The Superstitions” : it is a down-to-earth sign. He only believes what he sees and is very rational.

Maude Sebaihi

Lifestyle Journalist

Maude deciphers all the new fashion trends. She takes pleasure in selecting the new nuggets to get, all with a very benevolent look, because in fashion: it …

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