The 5 impressive figures generated by the jubilee of Queen Elisabeth II

For this event on a global scale, sales of derivative products exploded, as did the turnover of the many bars and restaurants in the country.

12 million people expected this Thursday in London, bars and restaurants in working order… No doubt, the jubilee of Queen Elisabeth II which begins this Thursday is in everyone’s mind, a historic moment that brings together a whole people British for four days of celebration. For this global event, sales of derivative products are exploding, as is the turnover of the many bars and restaurants in the country, which should be smiling again after two difficult years linked to the health crisis. A look back at the key figures generated by the Queen of England’s Jubilee.

90 million beers sold

This is the forecast provided by the British Association of Beers and Pubs. It estimates that this four-day weekend marked by the festivities will lead to the sale of 90 million pints of beer, i.e. additional revenue of 123 million euros compared to a classic weekend. “The platinum jubilee should be a joyous time, and the pubs (…) will be at the heart of the celebrations“, rejoiced Emma McClarkin, the general manager of the association.

356 million

This is the sum that the British should spend on derivative products to celebrate the 70 years of reign of Queen Elisabeth, according to the Center for Retail Research. Key rings, mugs, crockery, the sales of these objects bearing the effigy of the Queen could constitute a boon for many traders, and more generally for the British economy, hit hard by inflation approaching 10% .

This sum of 356 million euros would even be much higher than that garnered ten years earlier during the Diamond Jubilee, for the 60 years of the Queen’s reign. Derivatives had at the time reported around 240 million euros, including 145 million in London alone, according to the firm Center for Retail Research. It should be noted that the boom in online sales since 2012 plays an important role in the increase in this amount.

200,000 local events in four days

The government mentionsover 200,000 local events and block parties across the UK over the four days of the weekend“. Picnics, festive lunches, screenings and festivities of all kinds, these events could bring together more than ten million people. Enough to delight supermarket chains, in which many Britons will go to stock up. “Sales set off for a surge over the long weekendof the four-day jubilee in the UK, “with consumers expected to flock to stores as early as Wednesday“, provides for example the chain of supermarkets Co-Op.

This anticipates sales “stronger than at Christmas“, in particular those of wine, with 500,000 bottles of sparkling wine and 30,000 of champagne which should be sold. Co-Op also expects to sell 500,000 sausages, and 400,000 packets of chips or other snacks, 25% more than normal.

SEE ALSO – Jubilee of Elizabeth II: puppets of corgis and horses for a parade in tribute to the Queen

5.3 million Britons will make the bridge

Visit Britain, the British tourism promotion agency, speaks of a boost to the economy of 1.2 billion pounds (1.4 billion euros) thanks to this long weekend. Hard hit during the pandemic, the hotel and catering industry and tourism-related activities will take a nice boost thanks to the Queen’s Jubilee. Visit Britain estimates the losses caused by the pandemic on the tourism sector in the United Kingdom at 97.1 billion pounds (113.8 billion euros), for the years 2020 and 2021.

1 billion viewers expected for the closing parade

According to the organizers, 1 billion people across all broadcast media are expected to attend the grand closing parade on Sunday June 5. On the program, a great tribute to the Queen as well as to the diversity of the British people with more than 10,000 artists and volunteers at work.

SEE ALSO – Queen’s Jubilee: for Jérôme Besnard, Elizabeth II will not abdicate

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