The 7 signs that you are in a one-sided relationship

Couple, friendship, family… One-way relationships can happen to us in all areas of our lives and be harmful to our mental balance. It is sometimes difficult to recognize them, here are 7 signs that can help you.

In the category of toxic attachments, one-sided relationships can be particularly devastating. Whether they manifest themselves in the family circle, in friendship, in your couple or in your professional lives, realizing that you are trying a lot more than the person in front of you can be painful, or even jeopardize your mental balance for a long time. This is especially true when you consider the person in question to be someone very close to your inner circle.

The first step in getting out of the vicious circle that can be a one-way relationship is to recognize it. A less easy task than it seems at first sight. To help you, several signs can be decisive. Pay close attention to the behavior of your spouse, friend or family member for which you have the feeling of carrying the relation. In a one-sided relationship, you may observe several signs that your feelings and emotional investments are not being reciprocated. Here are seven of the main clues you can watch.

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You feel a real imbalance in the efforts

In your relationship, it is always you who proposes activities, who puts aside your desires, even your needs to help satisfy those of the other. You do for that person, but they never do for you.. If the person is not making an effort to spend time with you: this may be a sign that your relationship is one-sided.

Sometimes this clue may be less obvious, and may manifest itself if the efforts that one and the other provide are greatly disproportionate.

He or she is not committed to your relationship

You sometimes feel a lack of emotional engagement in the relationship. Compared to the place he holds in your life, this person seems distant, uninterested. She does not ask for news and does not seem to be concerned about your common activities. Obviously, you don’t feel that the person is attached to you in the long term. You also see her much more involved with other people.

This is an aspect that can be particularly deleterious in friendship or in the couple.

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Your communication efforts are also one-way

One-way relationship: unilateral communication. Communication is the key to any healthy relationship. When this is one-way, it is rarely possible under good conditions. Here again, it is you who initiate the conversations, who relaunch it. The person takes a long time to text back, and sometimes you wonder if they would still talk to you if you didn’t.

Your conversations remain a little on the surface, and are generally focused on the concerns of your interlocutor. You can particularly notice this aspect during your message conversations. Be careful though, some people who are not fond of SMS or other digital communication may take time to respond without however not liking you.

You lack support from your loved one

When your loved one is in bad shape, you have always been there to give them a comforting shoulder, or to try to find the right words. But when you’re the one going through a tough time, it doesn’t seem to particularly affect her. He does not listen to your pain, even minimizes your words.

You know that it is not he who will support you in your complicated moments. In some cases, discussing these topics with your loved one can even make you feel illegitimate, suggesting that you have no right to feel bad. It’s also where we see how one-sided relationships can be toxic to your mental health.

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Compromises are impossible

As mentioned above, communication is essential for a loving, friendly or family relationship to be balanced. If the two people involved aren’t able to discuss issues and compromise to move forward together, it can’t work. In a one-sided relationship, you can feel likebe the only person to seek compromises and to accept them for the good of your privileged relationships.

If your friend or spouse is reluctant to compromise and does not consider your needs or wishes, the relationship is probably one-sided.

In a one-way relationship: you will not have the same priorities

If this person is in your life, it means that they hold a privileged place. She is important to you, and you devote time to this relationship. It is therefore well placed in your priorities. However in a one-sided relationship, you will quickly notice that the priorities of the other are not at all the same, and you’re not thereor not as high as her for you.

This person obviously prefers to devote their time and energy to other activities or to other people, sometimes even canceling things planned with you. All of these can be signs of a one-sided relationship.

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You lack recognition from him

Despite all the efforts, the compromises and the signs of affection that you deploy for your loved one, this one does not show no form of recognition. It can be frustrating, and even make you feel like you’re being devalued. In reaction, we can sometimes feel the need to do more, so that our actions are finally recognized at their fair value by our friend or companion. But this will only deepen the inequalities of this relationship.

How to get out of a one-sided relationship?

The first step to succeeding in getting out of a one-sided relationship is to realize that you are in it. If you recognize yourself in the different signs above, you probably are. Of course, each relationship has its own codes, and these types of disparities can manifest themselves in many ways. Sometimes, some of these clues are not decisive in ensuring that we are in a one-way relationship.

Either way, when in doubt, start by taking a step back from your relationship. Take time for yourself, take care of yourself, and ask yourself the right questions. Evaluate what positive this person brings to your life. Make sure this friendship or romance is healthy and balanced for you. It may be necessary to engage in open communication with your partner to express your concerns and needs, or consider ending this relationship if it is not giving you the support and emotional fulfillment you deserve.

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