The actor has nothing to do with the silence of the couple, “Je ne peux plus avoir confiance”

On Instagram, the actor has a moment of silence and is aware of the separation and the distance between him and his confidence is not possible.

Les ruptures in the world of célébrités sont souvent accompagnées de discours soigneusement élaborés sur la préservation de l’amitié et l’amour qui perdure. Cependant, the actor Lupita Nyong’o, celebrates his role in “Black Panther”, a choice of different voices to announce the separation of the entertainer Selema Masekela.

On October 19, 2023, Lupita Nyong’o, 40 years old and of Mexican and Kenyan origin, shared an emotional message on her account on Instagram, saying that Selema Masekela was in trompée. Elle a écrit: “I am a part of a vérité personnelle and I dissociate the publication of what I have in my life plus avoir confidence. I trouve in a period of chagrin, à cause d’un amour soudainement éteint par la tromperie.”

The talented actor, who is also available to an adolescent admiration for Leonardo DiCaprio, continues to explain what was initially envisaged by the guard in a privileged manner, but is also available in the finale with a decidedly fair face in his heart. Elle a expressed son intention de vivre sa vie telle qu’elle est et de croire en avenir meilleur malgré la souffrance actualuelle.

The suite après this publicity

A public relation

Lupita Nyong’o and Selema Masekela will officially announce their relationship in December 2022, publishing a video on Instagram or essays in various tenues assorted. Masekela available in English language: “Les cœurs sont synchronisés. Mon amour entier et réel.” Cependant, ces images ne sont aujourd’hui plus visibles sur leurs comptes respectifs.

This rupture of the publique and the brutal brutality of Lupita Nyong’o is a rappel that reminds the people of the publiques that the moments are difficult and douloureux in the relationships. The volonté de partager leurs expériences personnelles peut aider à briser les tabous et à montrer que la vulnérabilité is a part naturelle of the human condition.

Journalists actu

Fashionista in l’âme, Dora a toujours rêvé d’écrire au service de la fashion. After accompli son rêve et bien plus encore, elle se redirige vers l’actualité, qu’elle soit people, …

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