the ambitious PS5 exclusive wants to compete with the big guys

The progress of Phantom Blade Zero, the next big PlayStation 5 exclusive, is clarified in an interview. The game shows overflowing ambition!

We had the pleasure of seeing again Phantom Blade Zero during the grand opening night of Summer Game Fest. The PS5 exclusivity closed a lackluster conference in style. So, in the process, the Chinese studio S-Game, which signed this dark and atmospheric adventure, begins to say a little more about this game that we now all have in our sights.

Phantom Blade Zero supported by JV giants

Heard by, the producer of Phantom Blade 0 was able to review the progress of this very promising game. Launched in 2022 after working on the idea for five years, the teams have completed the main skeleton. It is now a matter of fleshing out the gameplay, the mechanics and the story itself. But, if the title can today claim to reach the highest levels, it is thanks to the investment of the giant Tencent. However, the producer insists on the fact that S-Game wanted to keep control over the direction taken by the game. This agreement thus made it possible to lead the production towards “ a more ambitious scale “.

© S-Game.

Also won over by the promise of Phantom Blade Zero, Sony Interactive Entertainment chose to support the project. It was at the 2023 GDC that everything was decided, when several executives, including Shuhei Yoshida and Christian Svensson, were present. The latter proposed that the game be presented in May, during the State of Play. But the timing was very tight for the studio. As a result, Sony has pitched in to support the studio. both on a technical and marketing level “.

Thus, S-Game continues to surpass itself so that Phantom Blade Zero reaches the standards » from the PS5. The game is still groping to find its final formula. This is why the immensity has been revised downwards. Initially, the studio planned a “ extensive progression system, lots of exploration content and a big world “. But, for a more efficient game, the teams ultimately chose to “ simplify these aspects », especially in terms of combat and bosses. This should make it possible to further consolidate the strengths of the title.

Finally, the interview repeatedly makes a comparison with another highly anticipated game: Black Myth Wukong. This is an opportunity to highlight in the interview the significant emergence of Chinese achievements. Investments are increasing on this side of the globe. We also learn that Phantom Blade Zero would have cost 200 million yuan at present, or approximately 25.6 million euros. However, it will still take approximately twice as much to complete production.

We are far from the biggest AAA and AAAA like Marvel’s Spider-Man, cited as an example. Even if costs tend to increase little by little in China, they currently make it a land conducive to the deployment of major titles capable of competing in terms of quality and profitability with the West, according to the producer of Phantom Blade Zero. It remains to be seen whether the final product will live up to the promises.

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